10th birthday Party-goers: would you like those folk songs at the party?

If you haven’t seen, there are 3 days left on a great crowdfunding idea by Owen Shiers here:

Now, his top reward is an offer to come and play the songs at a location of your choice - for £400.

And I thought - if a bunch of people who are going to the party fancy chipping in, if the total gets to £400 inside the next 3 days, we could take that reward and ask him to come and play for us in Caernarfon, maybe kind of lunch time on the Saturday? And know that we’d helped him get over the line to make the album…

Sing out in here with what you’d be willing to chip in, and we’ll go ahead and add to the crowd-funder if it gets to £400… :slight_smile:

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Good idea.


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This isn’t a twiddly trad folk album!

I was going to say £10, but then I saw that he’s used the words ‘twiddly trad’, which upped it another ten, then I listened to the clip. Lovely.




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Let’s bump this up a bit. £80. It really is lovely music - I look forward to hearing it at the party!


Raided the piggy bank - £20

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I’m in tears. £20.

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By my maths, we’re half way there!


I’ve already chipped in to the crowdfunder (otherwise I’d offer more) but I’ll put another £10 up towards this goal too.

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It’s only fair to say that since this morning, there has been a big rush of support for Owen’s Crowdfunder appeal, and he has now reached his target!! But it would be great to get him along to our special party if possible, so I hope other partygoers will chip in with whatever they can afford, to make the booking possible…

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£20. Am I paying here or there?

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I believe we will be pooling our contributions through SSiW - but I’m sure @Aran will come along and clarify that. We’re getting closer - only £130 left, I think.

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What she said, £10 from me too.



Great snakes alive - I make that £280 already - and I think if we fall a bit short SSiW can probably chip a bit in, right?

Seems as though you folk like this guy… :wink: :slight_smile: :star2:

Payment - if we hit the target, we’ll pay on the crowd-funder on behalf of SSiW (it’ll need to be one payment to get him along to the party) and stick a payment link up in here.

So will we get another £120 tomorrow?.. :nervous: :excited: :slight_smile:

Caught up in the enthusiasm. £30 from me.


OK. I’ll put in another £10 (£30 total). I know his parents and I’ve got a couple of his Dad’s harps. Must make an effort despite heavy builders’ bills.


And another tenner from me (I’ve already pledged as well).

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