A ridiculous idea - I need help!

Hello. How do we get an invitation to join slack please?

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email your request to admin@saysomethingin.com and you’ll get an invite back - then just follow the instructions :slight_smile:


13 posts concerning the spurious Slack limit and our attempts to provide Iestyn with more reliable numbers were merged into an existing topic: Shwmaeathon - who and when?
I hope that makes sense. :crossed_fingers:

Syniad da. Dwi’n adref (home?) yn y bore

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@Iestyn. I suggest you hijack a few people on the structured courses, who have to do one and two hour conversations as part of their weekly challenges, it could fill in a lot of time.

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Thanks to @tatjana here is a copy of the message I moved to Iestyn’s new Shwmaeathon thread. I failed to notice that this removed his original announcement of the new thread. Sorry for any confusion. :blush:

Iestyn5 Minuter


Diolch bawb! I have put an event on the WSP channel. I have 17 people attending so far (one of them is me!), so I could do with one or two more…

I’ve also got a bit more info on saysomethingin.com/shwmaeathon - take a look and let me know any comments, especially things I haven’t said or things that aren’t clear.



Hi @Iestyn & Huw @HuwJones. I was talking with my friend, Siôn, today and he said he would be really interested in joining in. He is a first language (I think) Welsh speaker and loves talking with learners/new speakers. He is also helping his wife to learn Welsh. I have found that when he talks with me, he keeps the conversation well below my capabilities. I hope that this is ok. Please let me know if I did wrong. I sent him a link and explained about applying by e-mailing, Slack and Hangouts etc. Hopefully that didn’t put him off. I also invited Beth, but I think that she might be a bit too shy at the moment. Cheers, John.


In my personal opinion, John, “you done good”. :smiley::+1:

I should emphasise, however, that I have no part in the organisation of this inspired event other than to run a survey of the numbers to help Iestyn plan. Oh, and I fully intend to participate. :grinning:


Thanks, Huw.

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I’ve marked the day down on the calendar so will drop in and say shwmae. Will flag it up at Clwb Clecs tomorrow as well
:notes: :guitar:coffi du, coffi du… la la la la la la lah :notes:


Un mwy sy’n hoffi coffi??? (One more who likes coffee?) :slight_smile:

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Is singing allowed in a Shw’maethon?

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That is exactly what I’m hoping for, John!

To be honest. I’m beginning to think that “enrolling for WSP” etc is a step too far for a lot fo people. I want the Shwmaeathon to showcase WSP and the things that people can do with Hangouts, but I think that I’m better off telling people about WSP, but emphasising that the link will be available on the YouTube channel and Facebook / Twitter etc, so more people will join in, and those who are interested can join WSP when they are ready.

So, let Siôn know that all he needs to do is look at YouTube or the forum or SSi Facebook / Twitter and the links to take part will appear there.

Diolch, John - if everyone “brings a friend” then we’ll have twice as many on the Shwmaeathon!


I bet it is. So, what? We should sing Coffi du???

Uh oh, I need to learn lyrics then. I know just that “coffi du” … but to get coffee it’s enough though. :slight_smile:

What about writing something in a groups we’re in such like “Dysgu Cymraeg/Learning Welsh”, “Ameri Cymru” etc? Would that (maybe) bring too many people what can at some point also be a bit “annoying”?

That could be nice - especially in quiet moments to prevent @Iestyn from falling asleep (or maybe causing him to fall asleep?) :thinking:

If you think it could be funny, I might consider embarrassing myself even more than trying to speak Welsh by performing one of my fake Welsh classics. I’m still curious to hear I close it is to real Welsh. :joy:

(I’m saying this right after running out of coffee - pretty much like in that song huh! - but I’m sure I’m going to regret it, unless this ends up disappearing among other posts without being noticed). :grimacing:


Too late, we will be expecting to here some Datblygu with a slight Italian lilt. :wink:


No, no, no … you were noticed at least by one. :slight_smile:

OK. Just for fun of it here’s the lyrics and English translation.

Coffi Du - Ladies and Gentlemen


Oh for this one, I could provide guitar accompaniment to singers (or bass, or snare drum, but neighbors would not appreciate that at all!) :smiley:

p.s. I’m afraid it sounds real bad through the computer microphones and internet, but if anyone wants to experiment…


Uh-oh, now I’m in trouble. :scream:


I’ll go on the Shwmaethon around 12 noon tomorrow (UK time) Looking forward to it1