About the Meetups/Events category

In here for meetups and events, folks… :sunny:

If you start, or become aware of, a new Meetup, start a new thread with the location in the title. Give all the details, and tag @Deborah-SSi
The Meetup will then be added to the Post-Pandemic Meetups thread for others to find.


I would like to put our coffee morning in Blackwood on the list of weekly meet ups on the list sent out in the ssiw e-mail. Could you let me know how to do this please? Many thanks JAN.

Dee may well have seen this already - but in general terms, starting a thread in ‘Meetups/Events’ with the main details in the thread title is the best way to make sure you catch her eye… :sunny:

If you’re not sure how to start a thread - just click on the blue ‘Meetups/Events’ up at the top there, and then look over to the top right-ish for ‘+ Create Topic’ and you’re away!

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Grwp bach newydd, cwrddion nesa 8 Gorffennaf 7 tan 9. mae’r cwrdd tyfi mis

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There are so many Welsh Language events happening right now and I’m keen to go to as many as possible but don’t always have company.

There is a new group on the MEETUP application which is free to join and is aimed at all of South Wales. Anyone is welcome to put up events they’ve seen to find company, or just to advertise for others. Its simple to track events and attendees in this app/website

https://www.meetup.com/Defnyddiwch-eich-Cymraeg-Use-your-Welsh/ #Meetup #Cardiff via @Meetup

If this is sucessful then I will also create one for North Wales as I’m there regularly.

Hoping to bump this back up now that events are starting to get rescheudled…

Mr Chudleigh in Nairn…I am just south of Elgin, if you fancy a chat. I m never on this forum but happened to see your October note.

Hi Sheena

I am Mrs Chudley not Mr and I think we may have met online at Sadwrn Siarads with Coleg Gwent. I actually live over on the Black Isle - it is Mr Scholes who lives in Nairn.
I am going to start a new thread to see if we can organise a ‘wyneb i wyneb’ meet-up somewhere in or around Inverness or Nairn.

I am not sure how to use this forum really but I’ll try to tag you on my post if I can so that hopefully you will be notified.
