Booking: Tresaith Bootcamp, April 2015

Happy to bring a spinning wheel also (although I can’t bring a competent person to use it - I’ve only really played with it so far). I’d love some extra help to improve my knitting though, to date I’ve focused on flat things and hats, but I’ve had my eye on a jumper for a long time…

Perhaps we need an extra vocab unit?

Great idea!

I was thinking of getting a pattern translated before camp starts as well.

Chance to see a few of the people you’ll meet in, Tresaith, on Bootcamp. I spotted, Heledd, Dewi, Hywel, Rhiannon…


I’ve got a list of Welsh knitting terminology somewhere - I’ll see if I can dig it out and share it on here.

I’d be delighted to help with your knitting, Steve - I’m just everso slightly obsessive about it…

Fabulous. Will I be able to manage speaking in Welsh AND knitting at the same time? Only time will tell!

(Incidentally, the Wool Museum started selling their own lines of knitting yarn a little while ago - not sure if people have seen them yet, but I was sorely tempted last time I was there. Very natural and organically lovely. Seemed like amazing value as well - but I had other things on my mind at that time so I may be wrong about that).

Yes please, I have a few written down but it hardly constitutes a list.
What would the pattern translation be for, like to make what item?

Well I’ve always wanted to make a jumper, and with all the knitting enthusiasts at Tresaith I was thinking that maybe I should lean on you all for help and make a start there. Not sure exactly which pattern (will browse Ravelry), but I was guessing that I’d have to translate it rather than read from the English when I’m there.

Would a knitting pattern in English flout the ban on English? Sara knits socks without a pattern so she’s okay.

Oh, i can imagine a what’s outside ‘the tresaith knitting circle’ photo.
Or maybe a video for ‘dal ati’.

Cheers J.P.

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Now that sounds like a great final day challenge!

If you were to post a link to the jumper you have in mind the knitters among us could see what sort of translatons we could come up with. I also think a knitting pattern is more of a code than English. My father, an educated man, but not a knitter, could make no sense of one.

Unless you are are realy fast knitter, or it’s for a very small person, maybe just one front or back front could be done in the time.

I’m imagining Iestyn getting a bit anxious about us all refusing to go out and speak Welsh in the Wild because we are doing our various woolly crafts instead!

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I think that’s a great idea, Margaret. If you can find a pattern you like, Steve, we could all help to translate it before the weekend (which would help us all to get the knitting vocab under our belts).

This is pinched from the Ravelry forums, where they have a Welsh knitters’ group (called ‘ar y gweill’):

Knit: gwau / gweu
Purl: pwyth o chwith / pwyth chwithig / pwyth go chwith / pwythyn maglau / magl
To purl (verb,berf): gweu o’r chwith / gweu o chwith
knit one, purl one: pwyth o dde, pwyth o chwith
Cast On : ystofi / gwitho / codi (“codi ugain pwyth/magl”)
Cast Off: cau (e.e. cau 5 pwyth magl)
Cable: cebl
Felting: pannu
Stitch: pwyth / pwythyn
Stitches: pwythau
Needles: gweill
Needle: gweillen
Ball of wool: pellen o wlan
Cable pattern: patrwm rhaff / patrwm igam-ogam
Ribbed stockings: Sane brogs / sane rips
Stocking stitch: pwyth hosan
K2tog: gweu 2 bwyth gyda’i gilydd
Slip stitch: slipio pwyth / pwyth slip
garter stitch: pwyth gardys
‘straight needles’ : gweill syth
‘double-pointed needles’ : gweill dwbl
‘circular needle’ : gwaell gron

Gwlana - mynd i ofyn gwlan wedi i’r cneifio gael ei wneud roedd y ffermwyr fod i roi peth gwlan os deuai pobl dlawd i ofyn amdani (doedd dim raid iddyn nhw, ond roedd cryn dipyn o peer pressure ar waith!)
Noson, neu noswaith, weu - ddy orijinal stitch-n-bitch!
Hefyd “Cymmorth Gwau” Pigo, brycheuo, trwsio - llnau’r gwlan cyn iddi gael ei gardio car dirwyn - fel “niddy noddy” Cymreig i weindio sgeins.

A beth am dalfyriadau,be ydach chi’n meddwl am rhain?

Knit: gwau / gweu G
Purl: magl M
knit one, purl one: G1M1
Cast On : ystofi / gwitho (“codi ugain pwyth/magl”)
Cast Off: cau (e.e. cau 5 pwyth magl)
K2tog: G2gg
Slip stitch: S1


Hi there…looking forward to it? I’m no cat witho a car ( probably) so will be taking public transport ( probably) . I just noticed that someone is offering lifts from London so maybe its best if you catch a ride there cos you’re coming a long way and dont want to get messed around by my uncertain travel plans! Sorry

Hi Bellselkie,

Thanks for the update. Who is the person offering lifts from London? I’d be very interested.

I’m flying into London from Sydney on Tuesday 21 April. I’ll be staying with a friend. I can get on public transport to pick up points.

Regards Elizabeth

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Have you got any further with travel plans, Elizabeth? I’m going to be driving from Cardiff. I’m taking Steve also, but unless he has a very extensive wardrobe (!) I expect we could fit one more in the car. Any use?

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Note to self - limit wardrobe to three suitcases…


Hi Sara,
Thank you so much for your very welcome email. Yes, I’d love to take you up on your kind offer for a lift from Cardiff to Tresaith. I’ll be travelling with a backpack & a smallish pullalong suitcase (one size up from carryon). It’s more luggage than for a week, as I’m away from Australia for 6 weeks. However I’m short, a bit over 5ft & not too big.

What I’ll do is organise to get to Cardiff from London on Friday 24 & stay there overnight. I’ve only been to Cardiff once before so it will be interesting to see it again. My mobile ph is 61 418288947, It’s my Australian number but has seemed to work before in England. As yet I don’t have the phone details of where I’m staying when I arrive in London. I’m staying with friends who are moving.

Also I’ll be able to access my email in London "" .

If you could send details of a pick up place and time I’ll be there.

Thanks again. Hwyl Elizabeth.

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No problem at all, Elizabeth. I’ll email you.

Steve, if you could PM me your email also, we could have a 3-way conversation about pickups, timings etc.

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