Dysgu Cymraeg

Shwmae pawb. Colin dwi. Dwi’n dod o Coventry yn Lloegr ac dwi di bod yn byw yn Cinderford am y dau ddeg wyth blwyddyn dywetha.

Dwi’n byw evo fy n’teulu. Mae fy ngwraig Kellyanne ac tri plant. Mae ieuengaf yn dau blwyddyn.
Dwi’n gweithio yn ysbyty Cheltenham General ac dwi’n arbennigwr yn ulcer coes. Dwi di bod yn gweithio yno am dau ddeg blwyddyn ac dwi’n caru fy ngwaith yn fawr iawn.

Oedd fy nhad dod o Fangor ac pan o’n i’n ifanc on i’n dysgu tipyn bach o Cymraeg. Ffodd bynnag, ers oedd marwolaeth o fy nhad, o’n i isio dysgu Cymraeg eto. Felly, pan o’n i’n dod o hyd SSiW, on i’n cyffrous iawn.

Rŵan, dwi di bod yn dysgu evo SSiW am tua un deg wyth mis. Dwi’n synnu ar faint dwi di bod yn dysgu mewn amser byr

Mewn gwirionedd, dwi’n teimlo bo fy wedi dysgu llawer yn gyflym iawn yn fy marn i. Dwi’n mwynhau cyfarfod evo fy n ffrind John er mwyn sgwrsio yn y Gymraeg dros gwydr o Pepsi!

Dwi’n gwybod bo fy angen cymryd llawer o cyfle i ymarfer achos mae gen i dal i fwy i ddysgu. Dwi’n edrych ymlaen i siarad Cymraeg yn well. Diolch yn fawr SSiW!!!


Congratulations for your acheavement @colindavies-1! You do a great job and as I can see in this little post you learnt huge amount of Cymraeg. Da iawn ti.

However I am sorry to remind you on one rule of this forum here. We avoid to post on this forum totally in Cymraeg because not all learners came to the same level of knowledge and this for may not understand what’s written. So, this for the translation is required. You can leave what you’ve written as it is and just edit the post to include translation beneath the Welsh text. You edit the post (as yuo probably know) by clicking the little pencil icon below your post and after you finish editing you update (save) the edited post.

I hope you don’t find this too frustrating as I know how enthusiastic one can be with seing so much progress on their learning path and will this not turn you away from posting on here, but we wish the forum to be equally inviting for posting and reading for everyone. I understood what you’ve written of course, but I’d leave edits of your own post to you.

For the knowledge: the only exception in this “non-only-Welsh” rule is the thread Be’ ‘dach chi’n gwneud rwan? A phethau arall yn Gymraeg - A topic to practice Welsh, open to all! where posts totally in Welsh are alowed as the topic is aimed for practicing your Welsh.

Llongyfarchiadau mawr i ti ac dal ati! (Big congrats to you and keep going!)

Tatjana :slight_smile:


Helo Colin
With my little bit of welsh I understood a little I know Cheltenham a bit as my husband is from Cheltenham .So warm welcome


Croeso Colin. Congratulations on achieving huge success in Welsh, apparently without the use of alcohol, despite Aran’s more than occasional encouragement for us to use either the grape or the grain (or both) in order to turbo-charge our learning… :wink: (or at least to celebrate milestones…).


A very warm welcome to the forum, Colin, and llongyfarchiadau mawr on having got off to what is clearly an excellent start :star: :star2:

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