Hello from South Africa

Shwmae pawb

Amser hir dim gweld. Dw i’n gobeithio bod chi yn gneud yn dda. Dw I’n wedi bod yn dawel iawn a gweithio yn galed iawn gyda fy gymraeg.

Dwi wedi newydd cwpla gyda yr hen cwrs 2. Wel, doedd e ddim yn hawdd, mae hynny’n am siwr, ond wnes I joio fe yn fawr iawn.

I see that plenty of new Level 2 material has been added to the course since I moved on to the old course 2, but considering that I’m on a roll with the older format, I think I’ll press on to the advanced course before coming back and starting level 2 over again.

Update on Welsh Media: I have been watching quite a lot of S4C Cyw Twb with my son lately, I understand a heck of a lot of whats going on (probably the same amount as when we watch the English versions on Cbeebie’s :smile: ). Maybe the more advanced SSIWers could recommend this to new learners who are feeling a bit stuck or frustrated (It’s a pretty cool exercise to see how much you CAN understand). I’m also finding that I’m getting the general idea of what topic is being discussed on radio Cymru more often.

Update on intensive days: I am limiting the intensive sessions to days where I am traveling all day for work. I really think the technique works, but I don’t want to run out of material. In my introduction post I mentioned that we have two family friends who speak Welsh. Sadly this was not the case (it turns out they can only say a few words and phrases). As it stands, I only have about 19 hours worth of content remaining, and I want to make it last as long as I can.

Update on Music: I’ve been listening to plenty of music lately and have become a big fan of Gwilym Rhys’ work with Y banana and Plu, I also enjoy Edward h. Dafis (Mr. Duw being one of my best songs).

My only concern at this stage is that I may be spending way too much time talking to myself (since there seems to be no one on this continent to practice with), but other than that, its going to be a good year.

Dw i’n disgwl ymlaen at siarad gyda chi i gyd eto yn fuan.

Iechyd da - Hwyl :beers:


Wow - sounds as though you’re doing absolutely fantastically well… :star: :star2:

And we will keep on doing our best to bring out as much new material as possible (although I rather love the idea of you rationing what you’ve got left…;-)). :sunny:

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Shwmae ffrindiau

Dwi i’n gobeithio bod gyda chi mae dydd gwener yn dda.

Mae hyn yn fy ganu y wythnos. Maen go iawn canu yn dda!

Yn De Affrica, byddem yn galw hyn yn “’n Baie lekker liedjie” (a great song).

Wela i ti wythnos nesa.

Hwyl pawb a lechyd da :beers:


WOW!!! Beth galla’i’n dweud? Brilliant!!!

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I love this song too! It has so much energy and just makes me feel really happy :sunny:



So I’m Joining the inter continental meet up this evening. This will be the first time I speak Welsh out loud in front of other Homo Sapiens.
Slightly concerned about my SA accent and of course going completely blank (from sheer terror)
Two or three pre beers are in order me thinks.

If I can get 3 understandable sentences out I’ll reward myself by buying the new Y Bandana album (if I can’t I’ll buy it to cheer myself up)

Here’s to the deep end.
Cheers :wink:


Good work - well done that man! Nothing beats jumping in at the deep end… :sunny:

Pob lwc, Chris!