I’d like to agree with Huw about the waves on the beach! I was back on (English speaking) Gower watching that and could do so for ages! Could you get folk to submit particularly lovely views, video clips etc. as well as business info? They could maybe be accessed by map area. It might be useful for someone with hay fever to see what grows in an area. Holiday makers will be interested in views too!
Um, one for the future perhaps. The main idea is to keep it simple at this stage. Identify how good particular outlets are at providing a Welsh language welcome and letting people make their own comments and star ratings for this.
fair point @Nicky may also struggle with the street names as he only knows roads by what pubs they have/
Otherwise a great idea, i hope it takes off. I did find somethign similar for disabled acess a while ago, which sadly hadn’t taken off, but Wales is smaller than all of the UK so hopefully the map will get populated.
Sorry, haven’t looked at that thread, but I remember someone posting a link to reviews of good pubs, which I assume must have been Welsh speaking (at least at the time).
Searching the word pub brings up public as well so wasn’t that successful. Someone mentioned the Llew Du in Aberystwyth and that is already on the BYW (Breathe Your Welsh) page. If anyone has been there they could make a comment here - https://www.breatheyourwelsh.cymru/yrhenlewdu
Found the thread now: Goodness, it was 4 years ago:
And it wasn’t just for pub reviews, but the whole range of that kind of thing. Wonder if it’s still going?
Brilliant, thanks for that, so not a unique idea. I have opened up the link and it looks like it met its end and deleted everything but the front page! Can someone to check to see if I am wrong as all the suggestions appear to be on that site rather than in the thread. I think the guy who created has said he is 18 so well done to him and good luck to him wherever he is now.
Hey ho! I viewed the page srouce, and in the header it says “Yn ail-lansio ar Ddydd Gwyl Dewi!”
hmm…Dydd Gwyl Dewi which year though…? I guess we needn’t hold our breath.
Ar y ffordd is totally empty and unclickable so this idea obviously went to waste what leads you @peterallen to your idea to be unique though. Go for it, it should be of any use (if) when I come back to Wales once upon a time.
I had to Google all the addresses!
The idea is obviously not unique either here or in the wider world of the web but it does give the opportunity to identify those outlets that do have a Welsh language offer and anyone can comment on their experience. The ‘idea’ of a web site to identify such outlets was, in fact, meant to come at the end of another idea I had but this one is easier to do. Whether it will be used is probably unlikely, but to get any traction I need to know where these places are. As you have wandered over to the Twitter link for the website you have probably guessed from it that I live in London not Wales.
I can certainly see it being used, and I certainly see a purpose for it.
I suppose the game now is getting it into the Welsh speaking and Welsh learners eye.
Have you made contact with Neil at Parallel.cymru? An article on this sort of website sounds like Neil’s bread and butter.
Not yet, still needs some work on the site before I am comfortable.
Yah … and I live in Slovenia, not Wales so I can’t be of much help here though. [quote=“peterallen, post:21, topic:11662”]
Not yet, still needs some work on the site before I am comfortable.
Neil is this kind sort of man also as much as I can recall. He also wanted to have things sort of more or less “ready” bafore launching Parallel Cymru, so a bit of brainstorming inbetween him and you might not hurt though. But I’d not tag him unless you allow it to do so. And, after all, he’s a member of this forum too, so his eyes might already get a catch on this aswell.
Great idea. Hope you keep at it!
On the BYW site there is now a page to easily provide an outlet where the likelihood of speaking Welsh is more than 40%. Take a look. https://www.breatheyourwelsh.cymru/submit-your-outlet. It will take up to five days to appear on the website but will hopefully be quicker than that. If you do supply an outlet it would also be great if you could publish a comment once the page appears. Thanks.
It looks great but can I ask how would we estimate the chances of speaking Welsh somewhere? Do we need to ask them how many staff they have and how many speak welsh or do we need to visit a number of times and see how many of them speak Welsh when we are there?
I think this is a bit of a difficult one in some situations.
In order to get around it, I only submitted places that I really knew quite well - so I myself have a good knowledge of who actually worked in those places. (i.e with say, Coffee#1 in Aber - I said that they have 2 fluent members of staff that I knew of, and everyone else is a learner - but they’re happy to take orders in Welsh, so I rated them quite high).
Peter will be the voice on this, being it’s his project
Hi Peter,
Just as a heads up, on one of my submitted ones - Aberystwyth Public Library, you’ve mixed it up with the National Library of Wales - which is totally understandable as it’s so big and huge - but the library I referred to on my review, was actually the smaller Public Library in town.
It may be possible to pick this up immediately in a small shop just by listening or a short conversation. If a place is regularly visited then a much more informed percentage could be guessed at. It would reflect badly on the website if the percentage is completely wrong or the outlet isn’t actually Welsh language friendly but I am not overly worried as the stars and the comments box should help with this (whether too low or too high) and it can always be adjusted. I have set the drop down for likelihood of Welsh with a minimum of 40% but have thought about changing this depending on region. At the moment the whole thing is an experiment and I need to keep it simple.