Is this in southern welsh?

The Welsh is - “Fi’n gallu siarad.”
I think you would hear this in areas of the South of Wales rather than the North of Wales, but as always take what I say with a pinch of salt.
There are many ways to say things in Welsh (as in other languages!), and you will hear many other forms as and more often than this wherever you are in the South.
This can be a very casual (though perfectly natural) way of saying something.
(To such a degree my advice (for what it’s worth!) is that I’d simply remember you may hear it rather than thinking about when or how much you might what to use it - that will come naturally as you speak to more people :grinning:)


I’ve heard that Fi’n is a southern form. Iestyn, who is from the south valleys, uses Wi’n.

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It’s certainly used round here. But anyone who uses it will also use “wi’n” or similar, or whatever else they prefer, probably more often. :smile:


One could write a book, 101 ways to say ‘I am’ in Welsh. :wink:


Thank you! Im on the 4th lesson of northern welsh but it says that “I can” is “Dwin mettre” (sorry I dont know how to write it) is it okay aswell? Which would be more useful northern/ southern welsh? Diolch

I think in the North they saw “medru” for “can” and in the South “gallu” (with that lovely hissing “l” that makes Welsh so unique). But all my speaking partners who are doing the Northern course understand “gallu” very well and don’t seem to have any problem with it:)

I think that what you should study depends on where you live:) But if you don’t live in Cymru, you might just follow your heart and choose the dialect that sounds prettier to you. I chose the Southern one because I want to visit Carmarthen, and it’s in the South.

Anyway, there are links to some topics with people debating which course, Northern or Southern, to do, here in this thread. Maybe it will be useful.:slight_smile:

Useful posts


Yes, it is fine as well! :wink:
“Dw i’n medru siarad” and “dw i’n gallu siarad” will be understood wherever you are. They are both Welsh, and will both be useful wherever you are :smile:
You are more likely to hear “medru” being used by somebody brought up in the North of Wales.


Dwi’n medru is taught first on the northern course. I think “dw i’n gallu” was also taught a bit later in the original courses…can’t remember where though. However, it’s worth knowing both, as I think “gallu” is actually widely used everywhere, although “medru” is supposed to be more common in the north.

That’s a much bigger question. I think it’s covered in the FAQs, and there are probably older threads about this somewhere in the forum. …I now see Stella has posted some links, so hopefully you will get an idea from them. Basically, it’s entirely up to you, and how you see yourself using Welsh, or interacting with it, in the future.


Ok I will take a look to the links. I dont really have a preference as I am not welsh but I might start again but with the southern :slight_smile: Thanks to all!

No matter which course you do, North or South, consider joining us later for skype practice sessions. I know how hard it is to find a partner for speaking practice when you don’t live in Wales (I live in Belarus).

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Any dates in mind, or is this a “One day I want to go to Carmarthen” want?
When you come, I live about 15 miles from Carmarthen and would love to meet up with you.

Obtaining a visa is a very hard job these days, unfortunately, but I hope that maybe this autumn I can do it. And Carmarthen is the first on my list - it has long been fascinating for me.
Thank you, I would love to meet too! I’ll write here when I get some information about the dates!

As someone who has travelled through Belarus it’s not so easy for a Brit to get one for Belarus either!

I look forward to meeting you when you get here.


Oh, I know - my boyfriend is British and he has to get a visa every time he wants to visit me. But it’s fascinating that you’ve travelled through Belarus - have you been to Vitebsk?

Yn nwy fil un deg tri es i, gyda fy nai, i Thailand, ar y tren, o Lundain, i Brussels, i Frankfurt, i Foscow, trwy Belarws. Wel, oedd fy mwriad i wneud y daith. Ond, roedd y tywydd, ar a dydd yn ofnadwy, ac roedd y tren o Frankfurt yn hwyr iawn. Clywon ni ddim cyhoeddiadau am adael y tren yn Hannover i newid i dren arall. Felly, cyrhaeddon ni Copenhagen yn lle Moscow. Roedd y dyddiad hirddydd ac roedd y tywydd yn ardderchog. Gyda thecnoleg newydd prynodd fy ngwr tocynnau iddi ni i hedfan o Copenhagen syth at Foscow a doedd dim rhaid i fynd trwy Belarws.

Oherwydd, ar fy ffordd gatref, gyda’m merch, roedd y tren o Foscow i Finsk (mae’n swnio yn od iawn). Roedd rhaid iddi ni aros am ychydig cyn cymryd tren o Finsk i Gologne, yn yr Almaen. Felly, welon ni’r ardal ar bwys yr orsaf Minsk.

I gael fisa Belarws i fynd i Foscow, mae rhaid i gael fisa Rwsia yn gyntaf, ac i gael fisa Rwsia, mae rhaid i gael fisa Tseina yn gyntaf. Roedd popeth wyneb i waered! A drud iawn!

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Diolch, diddorol iawn! Dw i’n hoffi darllen am deithiol.

'Sdim rhaid i fy nghariad gael visa Rwsia nawr, ond mae’n rhaid iddo fe cael visa bob tro pan mae fe’n moyn dod i Belarws. Mae’n anodd iawn, ac so fe’n gallu aros yn Belarws mwy na 3 mis. Mae Rwsia yn mwy diofal gyda ei “visa politics”. Mae rhesum pennaf pam dw i’n moyn symud i Rwsia.

Dw i’n meddwl bod y rheswm yw bod yn siwr bydd yr ymwelwr yn gallu gadael y gwledydd cyn iddyn rhoi caniatad i ymweld yn y lle cyntaf.

Why @stella?? It is a lovely old town, but I suspect it is more the history which appeals and I wondered which part exactly!!

Mae’n ddrwg 'da fi, sa i’n deall… Mae fy Nghymraeg yn ddrwg iawn ar hyn o bryd.


I want to visit it because of the Arthurian legend:) And also because “School in Carmarthen” is my favourite book and deep inside, I hope to find lots of people there who will talk to me about Celtic traditions and history:) And, well, it’s beautiful.

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I think the reason is to be sure that the visitor can leave the country before they give permission to visit in the first place.