This thread replaces “Liverpool SSiW at Bethel”, which had grown very long and unwieldy. Our group still meets at 7:30 on most Monday evenings at the Liverpool Welsh Centre near Penny Lane. There will be a note on this thread whenever we are not going to meet there. Here’s the first of these:
We’re going to the pub! Our last meeting before Christmas will be at The Richmond Tavern. I’ve booked a table from 7:15 so that we can be ready to start at 7:30 as usual.
Meetings at Bethel will re-start on Monday 8th January.
Noson y Dysgwyr - ac yn y blaen
Someone suggested last night at our meeting that it would be a good idea to publish a link here to Gareth Davies’ excellent talk from last month’s Noson y Dysgwyr. I agree. You can find the talk on Gareth Jones’ blog about being a learner in Liverpool, where the other Gareth’s piece is currently the most recent post.
Scroll down for earlier articles in Gareth Jones’ own inimitable Wenglish style. Here’s a sample:
"Guto Golff was the wayward son of a Caernarfon golfing dynasty. Constrained by his upbringing and in search of excitement, Guto did what generations did before him and fled to Liverpool.
Not for Guto though the toil of TJ Hughes; he sought the arian barod of youth, clothing his knowledge of golf in the godless garb of 21st century pop commerce to launch a lucrative cysyniad newydd: Ghetto Golf."
Go to the blog itself to read more, and to see the photos of Guto’s Ghetto Golf…
Back to Bethel
We’re due to re-start our regular Monday evening sessions at Bethel tomorrow, 8th January. The official start time is 7:30 and I plan to be there from a little after 7 o’clock. Welaf i chi yfory, 'te!
Film night - early start - 7pm
Please remember that we’re having a joint meeting with Cymdeithas Lenyddol Bethel tomorrow, 19th February, to watch the film Un Nos Ola Leuad. There will be subtitles. There will be a bilingual introduction. If it’s anything like Hedd Wyn, last year, there might even be popcorn too!
The film starts at seven o’clock, not at our usual time of half-past seven.
Easter Monday
We won’t be meeting at Bethel on Monday 2nd April (the building will be closed) but we’ll meet at the pub if there is likely to be a quorum. I’ll check by email on Sunday…
Monday 7th May
We’ll be at the pub from 7:30 onwards, since Bethel will be closed because of the bank holiday. I’ve reserved a table, and the bar staff have confirmed that it will be Cheap Beer Night - all cask real ales will cost £2.49 a pint, regardless of what the (higher!) displayed price is.
The following week we’ll be back at Bethel with tea and biscuits.
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Monday 28th May
It will be a bank holiday again next Monday, therefore we’ll be at the Richmond Tavern rather than at Bethel. As is usual for Mondays, it will be a cheap beer night…
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Summer move to pub
Bethel won’t be open on Monday evenings now until 3rd September, so until then we will meet in The The Richmond Tavern instead. The starting time will be 7:30, exactly the same as at Bethel.
Back to Bethel
We had our last meeting of the summer at the pub yesterday so we’ll be back at Bethel from next Monday, 3rd September.
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One-off pub visit
Some of us will be at The Park Tavern tomorrow, 15th October, because Bethel will be closed. The rest will be at a recording of Hawl i Holi with BBC Radio Cymru. We’re back to Bethel next week.
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Last meeting of 2018 - yn y dafarn
Bethel is closed on Monday 17th December, so we will be at our alternative venue The Richmond Tavern, a couple of hundred metres away on the other side of Church Road. We have a table booked from 7:15 so that we can start promptly at 7:30 as usual.
Meetings resume next year on 7th January at Bethel.
This change of venue is for tonight, so just bumping it up in case 
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Mae 2018 wedi mynd…
This thread has reached its sell-by date. There’s a replacement for 2019. Blwyddyn Newydd Dda i chi i gyd!
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