New learner - anyone willing to siared Cymraeg?

Hi! New learner and mind already exploding from the new words! I would love to be able to practice with people - any one starting out that fancies a buddy?!


Welcome to the forum. People often find Skype partners here. I really should get around to setting up my Skype properly again. Do use the forum with any questions/ descriptions of your experiences learning Welsh .It is here to help us!

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Hi and welcome to SSiW!
As Y_Ddraig_Las said, there are lots of Skypers about, but also have you looked at the map to see if there are any other members near you? - here is the link to the map
and you can ask to be added to it here: The 'Please add me to the SSiW map' thread

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Well done on jumping into practising with a live person at such an early stage - that’s a brilliant sign that you’re going to do excellently… :star: :star2:

Well my daughter’s a relative newcomer and she’d be happy to have a chat, I’m further on but could join in as well.


Diolch @siaronjames for the map link. It is the easiest way i have found to get the map on my iPad!
Croeso, Welcome @hannahnelly.I’m sure you’ll find a lot of help and friendship on the Forum!

I would love to ymarfer siarad Cymraeg with you, @hannahnelly. You can find me (Lena Posselwhite) on Skype. I only have the web version, but it should work anyway.

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