Online Event: Women in Language Camp (Help me with tips for my talk?)

Hello hello, shw’mae pawb!

I’m writing to mention Women in Language Camp, a one-day event with workshops and sessions on the theme of connection in language learning.

This event is taking place on Saturday and you can attend from anywhere, all genders, ages etc are welcome. Do have a look! Our mission is for everyone to walk away with a clear plan for building your language learning community.

I’m presenting at this event and my topic will be on finding and making friends who love languages in the offline world. SSiW is an inspiration for me and your meet-ups are incredible, legendary, wonderful.

So one question: If you’ve been to a meet-up or organised one where you live, what advice would you give someone wanting to do the same?

Diolch yn fawr iawn i chi gyd, bydda i’n teimlo’n cyffrous iawn i weld ychydig o bobl ssiw yno :slight_smile:


Sorry but one (very dumb maybe) question though: I still can’t figure quite out is this offline (means “real life”) camp or interactive (online) one?

EDIT to add (as deleting the post actually doesn’t delete it but rather it stays marked that the post was deleted)

Sorry, or I misslooked the “Online” text but I’m almost certain the post was edited though. But thank you. Now I know. However you might correct this on your site too as I cluldn’t figure it out from all written there either. Might be some other people wonder about that too.

I hope this went well @Kerstin.

If you have anything coming up in the future, just give me a bit more notice and I can include it in the weekly newsletter. If you tag me @dee when you post, then I get an alert.


Diolch Tatjana!

Oh diolch yn fawr @Deborah-SSi, I’ll definitely make a note to mention the big Women in Language conference when it comes up.