Oxford SSiW - additional meetups?

Cytuno’n llwyr! Diolch i dri ohonochi am gwneud prynhawn arbennig o dda am grwydro yn yr haul ar hyd y llwybr halio wrth ochor y Gamlas Rydychen - heb sôn am gacennau, cwrw, a’r wybodaeth am y byd natur!


A dw i’n cytuno hefyd. Mor lwcus efo’r tywydd a cwmni bendigedig. Photos ardderchog, (siomedig am crwydren (female vagabond ) rhyfedd sy’n syllu trwy’r bont yn y photo……)


Time to be thinking about another Welsh ramble/sgwrs, dw i’n meddwl.
Now leaves are colouring and fungi breaking cover maybe crwydro yn y coedwig is the best plan - a return to Charlbury/Wychwood or to Wytham Wood perhaps? Or Shotover could be another possibility. So, suggestions for dates and places, please!
I could only make a day next weekend or the last weekend in October myself, but if one of the weekends in between works out better for most people, no problem.

The last Saturday of October is good with me it that is fine for you and others.
I think a return to the first (shorter) walk in Charlbury would allow time for wildlife watching,
But i’m easy on all options, (i will certainly do my best to attend what ever the decision).

Cheers J.P.

I could do October 31st too, anywhere.

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And me. So, look forward to meeting up Oct 31 Charlbury station is it ?

OK - Saturday 31 October it is then. We can aim to meet up as before at midday at the cafe “News & Things” in Sheep St, Charlbury if not before for those travelling to Charlbury by train on the 11:23 from Oxford (arrives Charlbury 11:40).
As always, all welcome - for anyone interested who wasn’t on this walk the last time, it’s a circular walk of about 8 miles according to the book listing the route (although I seem to remember that we thought it turned out to be a little shorter than that?). It skirts skirting Cornbury Park before passing through woods and fields before returning to Charlbury - it’s also likely to be a bit muddy in places through Wychwood, so be prepared!


Hi Carungo,
Mae’n phosib bod byddai’n diddorol. Dwi’n byw agos y Milton Keynes. Wnes i cwrdd dau pobl o Rhydychen ar y Bwtcamp blwythyn diwethaf felly bydd e’n dda os bwythwyni gwrdd eto!
Hwyl am y tro. Jan

Hi Jan ,
Byddwn ni’n edrych ymlaen i gyfarfod chi. Wela chi’n fuan.

Helo Jan,
Bydd gwych os ti’n medru crwydrso efo ni - mi roeddwn y dau ohononi ym Mhlas Tan y Bwlch yn y penwythnos Cymraeg cerdded yn y mynyddoedd. Roedd y pobl o Rydychen efo chdi yn y Bwtcamp
Carolyn ‘Gwallt coch’ a Simon dw i’n meddwl - yn y meetup ddydd Mawrth roedd hi’n deud bod hi’n gobeithio bydd bosib iddi dod efo ni am y crwydro hwn.
Hwyl fawr, John

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For those who don’t know it, here’s a map of our Sat 31st October Charlbury ramble


A reminder about the crwydro+sgwrs this coming Saturday, 31 October (see details above). A dry day with sunshine is forecast and with the autumn colours at their peak it should be a great afternoon (but, being Nos Galan Gaeaf, we must be sure to get back to Charlbury before sunset for fear of Y Hwch Ddu Gwta a’r Ladi Wen!). Wela i chi yno dydd Sadwrn, gobeithio.


If you’re thinking of joining us tomorrow, don’t be put off by today’s miserable weather - the forecast for tomorrow is still for dry weather although less sun thab was previously forecast. Here’s what the Met Office forecasts for tomorrow in the Oxford

Dry, although rather cloudy at first with mist and fog patches lifting. Some sunshine is expected in places, especially in west. Feeling very mild in the brighter localities. Light winds. Maximum Temperature 17°C.

or, in Cymraeg (translated by Google I’m afraid, dim fi),

Sych, er braidd yn gymylog ar y dechrau gyda niwl a chlytiau niwl codi. Mae disgwyl rhywfaint o heulwen mewn mannau, yn enwedig yn y gorllewin. Teimlo’n ysgafn iawn yn yr ardaloedd mwy disglair. Gwyntoedd ysgafn. Uchafswm Tymheredd 17°C.


yngyntaf, rhaid i mi dweud diolch o galon pawb, oedd y dydd ffwngtastig.

We all met at the cafe for snacks and then left on the previous route which soon produced things of interest. Remember it is the last day of October.

Yep, garden roses in flower.
We did a quick tour of the church and then soon off the tarmac and into park land where people were showing their keenness for wildlife including picking up worms, fungus featured a lot today, and these Bolbitius titubans where appearing every 100 meters it seemed. they start as small bright yellow caps.

And open like a parasol, loosing most of their colour in the process (no English or Welsh name).

The Autumn colours were a treat as we crossed fields and woodland uphill and downhill (nothing very strenuous), at one time i was chasing what i thought was a caddis fly but failed to catch it so will never know. So time we reached approximately half way people were glad of a sit down snack.

The days are not long this time of year so we couldn’t stop long, through a piece of woodland took us into the next valley where light shining through the trees created some nice shadow effects.

and a bit further on the sun was illuminating old leaves highlighting the autumn colours.

An old fallen, rotten tree produced a large selection of fungi which this group were getting rather good at spotting and then we came upon some sheep.

Jacob’s sheep, they just were not going to pose in a convenient way, the male is behind the female and actually has four horns. (there is always a better photo to get next time).

A bit of road was followed by a long track back to the village ready to catch a train home. I must say this is but a small account of what was about 5 hours to cover 8 miles of pleasure, the amount of welsh seems to be increasing each time we meet and i am really grateful to those who attended for their help. (now to try and remember all those new words).

Cheers J.P.


Indeed it was a day to make you gwên!
I have remembered:
Gwenwyn = poison
Gwenyn = bee
When I was thinking about these in the car I remembered:
Gwennol = swallow
Gwenci = weasel

I checked that drunk = meddw

& I am off to look up a recipe for teisen menyn now, after enjoying the offering from @johnwilliams_6
Diolch i bawb. I look forward to gwen we can meet again.


Diolch i bawb! We had a great day, walking in warm sunshine, under a clear blue sky and the glowing colours of autumn leaves and, wrth cwrs llawer o siarad Cymraeg am pob math o pethau - lot o hwyl oedd o.

Sorri, Pippa, nes i anghofio’r enw cywir o ‘teisen menyn’, ‘tartenni menyn’ oedden nhw! Oedd rysáit o lyfr ‘Favourite Welsh Teatime recipes’ cyhoeddi gan J Salmon Ltd (www.jsalmon.co.uk)

As the days are rapidly shortening now, we agreed it’d be best if the next walk is around Oxford or close by - Wychwood, the Thames Path & canal, the Natural History Museum and Islip were all mentioned - another possibility could be Shotover Country Park, but all ideas and suggestions welcome! Hwyl fawr, John

PS People will be wondering why we wanted to know the word ‘meddw’, Pippa!


Thanks for your great company, pawb, sorry I left you just before the end, but I reckon I had done 7 milltir as it was, by the time I got back to my sister’s in Sheep st around 4.30pm.! Memo to self: gumboots great for land walking but hard on the feet when road walking.

Brilliant photos, J.P Looking forward to our crwydro nesaf.


Before we get too far into mis tachwedd, here are some ideas for walks closer to Oxford. As we were discussing on last Saturday’s Charlbury walk, this might be better now the nights are drawing in:

A. Wytham Wood – Circular walk from parking area for Wytham Wood near Botley Road/A34 Ring road interchange ( Botley Road buses from Central Oxford/Oxford station); pub and tea shop in Wytham village 1/3 way round anti-clockwise or 2/3 clockwise (differs from previous route through Wytham Wood)

B. Thames Path & Oxford Canal – Repeat of previous circular walk clockwise from Oxford Station circling Port Meadow, passing several pubs – possible return via nature reserve E side Port Meadow rather than canal towpath.

C. University Parks to Water Eaton Park & Ride/Oxford Parkway Station – Linear walk from central Oxford along River Cherwell, passing riverside pub, then Cutteslowe Park and ploughed fields to Park & Ride (buses back to central Oxford and main railway station).

D. Water Eaton Park & Ride/Oxford Parkway Station to Islip – Linear walk from P&R through arable fields, then along River Cherwell to Islip village with pub and station for 15:28 train back to Oxford Parkway (with buses back to central Oxford and main railway station).

E. Shotover Country Park – Circular walk from Thorncliffe Park & Ride (frequent buses from central Oxford and London), uphill through fields and wooded slopes to former hunting forest of Shotover, down again to Horspath with pub, over fields to Brasenose Wood and back up to Shotover Hill (views towards Didcot) before returning to Park & Ride (another option setting out from the P&R could be walk a little way through the suburb of Risinghurst to local Wildlife Trust’s CS Lewis Nature Reserve and then up through woods and fields to continue through Shotover Forest)

Also not forgetting JP’s suggestion of a walk around central Oxford including a visit to the Natural History Museum. A & E involve hills B, C & D are pretty flat – sorry I haven’t estimated distances yet, but I don’t think any of them are more than 5 miles. Plenty of other possibilities so do post if you have any more suggestions.
Let me know which dates might be good for you - could be a weekend or a weekday, as we discussed at Charlbury, Hwyl fawr, John


Wytham Wood gets my vote & I’m opening the days at:
Monday 7th
Monday 14th
Tuesday 15th
But, am flexible with weekdays & could fit in to what suits folk who are working.

I believe i can make either of those Mondays if it is to be a week day not weekend.
Walking out from station to the Botley park and ride is no problem so that walk is
fine with me as well.

Cheers J.P.