Another quick reminder about tomorrow’s meetup (Thu 26th Jan) at the Jericho Cafe
Hwyl, John
Last minute cancellation: It looks as if this week I’m the only one of us who could make it, so I’m proposing to cancel tonight’s meetup. Apologies if any newcomer was planning to come tonight ‘on spec’ - do get in touch, though, as it might still be possible to arrange something if wished. Hwyl, John
There’ll be another Oxford group meetup this Thursday, 2nd Feb, as usual from 5.30pm downstairs in the Jericho Cafe.
The following week it’s still to be decided, but it’s possible the meetup may be on Wednesday rather than Thursday - to be confirmed one way or the other by the end of this week
Hwyl, John
Just to confirm that this coming week’s meetup will be on Thursday, 9th Feb, usual time usual place and all welcome. Do get in touch if you’d like more information
Hwyl, John
A quick reminder about tonight’s meet up (see above for details)
Hwyl, John
Just to let you know that next week’s Jericho Cafe meetup will be on Wednesday 15th Feb and not Thursday.
Also a quick reminder that we have a walk+sgwrs scheduled for Saturday 25th Feb (see Oxford additional meetups thread Oxford SSiW - additional meetups?)
Hwyl, John
Hi John
I’m going to pop along for the first time this week.
Looking forward to meeting everyone.
What time are we meeting on Wednesday?
Tara am rwan!
Helo Helen
Good to hear you’re hoping to join us this week. I usually plan to be there from 5.30 to about 7 but I’m waiting to hear if Paul and Oliver can make it this week - if not, it might start a bit later as Richard usually can’t make it until gone 6, but I’m happy to stick to 5.30 if that works better for you
Hwyl, John
Bore da John
I will need to leave by 7pm too. I’m easy going on whether it’s a 5.30 or 6pm start. Whatever best for others once you hear back from them.
Gweld ti yfory
Helo Helen - Still waiting to hear from the others, I’m afraid. As time is getting short now, probably best if I say I’ll be there from 5.30 onwards and hope Paul and Oliver can make it as well - at least Richard should be along later provided nothing unexpected turns up
Tan yfory, John
Iawn, that’s fine.
See you at hanner wedi pimp.
Dwi’n byw yng Nghaerdydd ond I’m often in Oxford, and I’m in Wallingford pretty much every weekend. I only started learning this year though so a bit scared to get out there yet, but maybe joining this group will be my aim in a few months!
A quick reminder for this week’s meetup, this time on a Thursday (23rd Feb) again, usual time usual place and all welcome as always. Do get in touch if you’d like more information or have any questions.
Hwyl, John
Unfortunately tonight’s meet up has had to be cancelled as it turns out that no one can make it this week. Tan wythnos nesa, felly
Hwyl, John
Thanks very much for letting everyone know, John
Bore da pawb. Dw i newydd ymaelodi a’r SSiW a hoffwn i ymuno a’r gwrp yn Rhydychen, os mae’n bosib. Yn y cyfamser dw i’n astudio lefel uwch dwys gyda’r Brifysgol Caerdydd, ond mae siarad yn anodd iawn i fi achos does dim cyfle arall i sgwrsio Cymraeg yn fy ardal. Pryd bydd y cyfarfod nesaf?
Diolch yn fawr iawn am eich cymorth.
Hwyl am y tro.
Croeso Phil - It’ll probably be nos Iau - I’m hoping to post a message about it later today (as usual, it’ll be from 5.30 to 7-ish downstairs in the Jericho Cafe). If not nos Iau, it’ll be nos Fercher - let me know which of the two might work better for you?
Hwyl, John
PS There’ll be a crwydro+sgwrs Sat 4th Marchg ( for details see Oxford Additional Meetups thread)
Diolch am eich/dy neges! As it happens, Dydd Mercher would be better for me personally as I am unfortunately (neu fortunately) in Wales from Thursday for a couple of weeks doing the Cwrs Dwys yng Nghaerdydd. However, should it not suit the others, please don’t change it on my account, I’ll be back on the 18th March and can come along to the one immediately following that. Actually shouldn’t we do it on Wednesday, as it is Dydd Gŵyl Dewi? I wonder if the Jericho Café serves leek and potato soup, haha.
Diolch hefyd am y wybodaeth ychwanegol, yn anffodus fydda i ddim yn Rhydychen ar y 4 Mawrth But as I’ll be in Cardiff, it’s not all bad
I will be happy to join any future outings though.
Helo Phil - I still haven’t heard back from the others about which day they can make it, so let’s say it’ll be tomorrow, Dydd Dewi Sant. Hwyl, John
Bendigedig! Wela i chi am 17:30 yn y Jericho Café yfory (gyda Cheninhen Bedr, os galla i dod o hyd un!).
Hwyl am y tro,