Permanent Google Hangout for SSiW

Thanks Vaughan, I couldn’t get it to work straight away, and did not have time to check further, but I am sure it will work.

I’ve now also shared with the two communities I mentioned earlier (I hope!), and sent invites to everyone who has sent me a PM.

Let’s see how it goes.

Sounds like a great idea Louis.

I’ll be interested to see how it works in practice, and I hope it works well.

Thanks to the great initiative of (Rambling) John P and those who have joined his hangouts, I now have a pretty good idea of how hangouts work (warts and all, and we have not been without our technical “issues”), but it will be interesting to join a hangout with a wider potential participation.

(And I have now received Louis’s invitation, but I have not had the dedicated time to do anything about it yet, but I hope I will before too long).

Pob lwc i bawb!

EDIT: BTW, if (like me) you are too shy or too mean (and I am both) to use a webcam, it’s perfectly possible to hangout purely in audio mode, and I find I’m closing my eyes in any case, because that helps me concentrate on just the sound.

Just had a look, out of interest… I’m going to hang out there for the next 10 mins or so if anyone else cares to join!

Firslty can I apologise to whoever’s online just now. I thought I’d go and see how this works (never used google handouts before) and wasn’t expecting anyone to be there. I can’t really talk right now, I have to be quiet, plus I’m a bit scared!
So really I’m really sorry for just disappearing.

@Emma - twas me, dim problem o gwbl. I did exactly the same, I just popped on to try the link and then had to run upstairs to get a top on, doh! I came back, tried again, and there you were … gone. I have no idea how to sign on so the tablet auto signed me on as Tracey Scourfield, my wife (it’s her tablet). Would I be better downloading some sort of app and creating an account?

Hi! Dw i’n meddwyl bod y syniad gwych! Dwi wedi signed up y Google hangouts a wnes i drio wylio am SSiW Permament Hangouts, ond dim lwc:(. Ga i ti helpu fi? Efalla mae rhaid i fi anfon fy gmail address i rhywun cyntaf? Disgwyl ymlaen y glywed os rhywun! Diolch and hwyl am y tro. Jan

Hi Jan, Vaughan has put a link in his post higher up the page.

Hi Gruntius, Many thanks. i clicked on that link as you suggested, then had to download a plug-in. I’m using Windows 8 on my laptop. Then there were a load more instructions, one of which was to sign in to a hangout I’m signed into my gmail account, but still didn’t get very far. It would be very helpful if someone could provide a step by step outline of how to join the Permanent Hangout that would be great. Louis invited me the other day and I think I accepted, but I still didn’t get anywhere. I was using the iPad then though, maybe that was a bad idea. If the technology was intuitive, it would be wonderful. I’m sure its easy once you know how to use it, but it’s getting to that point in the first place!

Hi! Well I think I just arrived at the Hangout (after trying again, but no-one was there:( Is anyone able to confirm whether or not I did arrive. I left a chat message…don’t know if that will stay there forever now, or what!

Are there any pre-arranged times to join? I guess it’s difficult with all the different time zones! 9pm GMT is normally a good time for me (a bydda i’n addo siarad cymraeg pob amser yn y Hangout!

Disgwyl 'mlaen weld i chi yn fuan!

For those totally new to G+ / G+ Hangout, I think it definitely helps if you already have a Google account before you start. (I happened to have one for other reasons before had any reason to use Hangouts, so it was a bit less of a learning curve just to add the hangout bits. As someone has mentioned, you have to download an App.

I was also a Google Chrome user, which I think also helps, but I’m pretty sure is not actually mandatory. Yes folks, it seems that I have sold my soul to the Google corporation, which is about the last thing I actually wanted to do … but all in a good cause I hope.

I think that people who already have gmail/googlemail might also have short-cut ways of using Hangouts, but I have no experience of that (have just seen references to it in various bits of help information out there).

I try to be there during the week daytime (australia). I expect that, as more people hang out randomly, sooner or later the chances of an encounter will increase.
Jan, perhaps you can announce a day/time that you will be there, so others can try and join you?

Sure - Found a great site for organising global online meetings:
But it looks as though UK evenings (most likely available for me) is the middle of your sleep time!! So how about next Saturday 20th June at 9 or 10 am GMT, which i think is 5 or 6pm for anyone in Australia?

I’ve just had a conversation with Sion in Australia. It worked well once I got my microphone sorted.

I just left a message and am hoping to try this out soon. But I don’t see the ability to use Hangouts on a tablet or phone with the application for that chat client. Only that it takes the to the Google + page/group. Perhaps I’m doing this wrong.

How did I only just notice this? I’ll have to head on there; probably tomorrow.

Is this Ongoing? I can’t work out how to do it

No idea to be brutally honest Hannah, hopefully @louis will be available soon to answer.

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Hi Hannah, I’m not sure either, I tried to use it a few times but there didn’t appear to be anyone there -unless I was doing it wrong which could very well be the case as I’m certainly not always up to speed with this stuff. IMHO google hangouts are not nearly as user-friendly as skype. You might want to check out this thread


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Hi Hannah, I set this up originally with a one-year duration, and it sounds as if it has expired. Do you want me to reopen it? I did not get the impression that it was widely used, but it is no effort to get it going again.

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To be honest Louis I have no.idea how to use hangouts! I do use skype and what’s app though