Short brutal intensive course for beginners or near-beginners

@aran can I allert you that you’ve put two same links on here?


Here’s the other link:


Transcripts for Videos, Day 3

There are some gaps, because I either couldn’t quite pick up what was said or didn’t understand the phrases/words used :slight_smile:

Simon and Olwen:
S: Yn y coeden dw i’n weld “woodpecker” [Aran: cnocell y coed] cnocell y coed ar y coed … iawn
O: Dw i’n hoffi gwely … y “garden”
S: Dw i’n cael ieir [Aran: Mae gen i] mae gen i wyth ieir yn y “garden”
O: Mae cathod hoffi gwely … yn y “garden”

Aran and Hilary:
A: Siaradwch chi tipyn bach o Gymraeg efo fi. Dydd Mercher.
H: Dydd Mercher.
A: Ti wedi bod yma am dri diwrnod. Sut wyt ti’n teimlo?
H: Dw i’n teimlo hapus, hapus iawn. Dw i 'di dysgu llawer. Dw i’n mwynhau siarad Cymraeg. Dw i’n mwynhau dysgu siarad Cymraeg. Mae’n diddorol iawn.


Diolch, no sound on my ipad!

Okay, so I was out ‘in public’ today, and my first Welsh words were ‘coffi du’, to the shop assistant in Caffi Alys, in Machynlleth. I was so staggered I’d uttered something that I forgot to add ‘os gwelwch yn dda:expressionless:

A big thank you to @helenlindsay for being at the meet-up, and coaxing me through a tentative conversation. Hope to catch up again next time :smiley:

After the meet-up, and a rather splendid lentil soup, I went into Llanidloes to pick up a copy of ‘O Law i Law’ (1943 edition) which I’d seen, and which has now joined my ever-growing collection of books to help me learn Welsh. Don’t think I’ll get through it this weekend, 'though… well, there’s 6 Nations to watch, isn’t there? :wink:


just finished the bag I was making. Not done a bag before and it’s too big really, but it will always remind me of the week.


And me! Looks lovely :slight_smile:

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Deeply and lastingly familiar!

Diolch, Tatjana and Hilary - which link needed replacing? :star2:

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The one of me on day 3 (the second link on your post)


Diolch! :star: :star2:


2nd one. And you’re welcome.

Ah, answered before clicking “post” and seing @hilary’s answer.

I hope you wouldn’t feel like being slammed by too many answers @aran! :smile:

Great job Hilary on your speaking event. And, don’t worry, that “os gwelwech yn dda” was almost always lost on the way out from my mout when oredring coffee in Nero Caffee in Caerdydd. Bartenders smiled and I smiled back getting my BIG mug of coffee. They didn’t speak much Welsh anyway (what didn’t quite please me though). :slight_smile:

Lovely bag @OlwenR. And, everything is good for something so you never know when you’d need such big bag. :)(


By the way @tatjana I find it fascinating that someone from Slovenia is leaning Welsh. I visited Ljubljana about 20 years ago. Beautiful country.

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Thank you.

Well, you can probably talk all about it with @margaretnock who visited me last year in April and we wandered the streets of Ljubljana one afternoon. A lot changed in the city now, I’m not sure if for the better or worse but the tourists are continue to come and visit our little capitol city. I hope you enjoyed the stay while here. It’s always nice to hear that people visited our little country.

The way I decided I will learn it is even more fascinating and that I’m still here with all these magnificent people, still learning even more as I was at the edge of quitting for 2 or 3 times. Just my stubbornity, @aran and all members here, Margaret who pleasantly surprised me with her visit here last year and kindly demanding voice of @Iestyn in the lessons goes huge gratitude I presisted on my learning path. Now I know I’d be endlessly sorry if I’d leave. So many things just wouldn’t happen would I stop learning. Now I’m capable of speaking quite well, even more to understand and to read/write a bit less but still I’m able to write little something on social media (or sometimes in a blog I’m writing now and then).

Dw i’n hapus iawn i fod yma. And you three who made huge work on this 5 days intensive brought something fresh in here, probably isnpiring many people and make them aware that everything is possible one way or another and everyone can acheave their goals no matter how quick or slow they go through the course.

This is not just an empty phrase, but you 3 have made me happy in deed. :slight_smile:


That’s so nice to hear. Thank you.

I feel quite emotional about that :slight_smile:


I realise now that this thread is one I need my laptop for! Turning sound up to 100% makes your conversations perfectly audible! I look forward to the rest! Like @tatjana I congratulate you all. Unlike Tatjana, I should be fluent and am not! I have been trying to learn the language of my Mamgu and Nains for years, but, at first, all conventional and written. Since I found SSiW, I have had time to learn properly but, well, firstly, I didn’t think I’d ever meet anyone to use it with, face to face! I am, perhaps, to actually meet at least one sometime, so I really must press on, but finding the Forum dealt with my hiraeth aand I stopped bothering much with learning! Hen fenyw ddrwg dw i!


Video Day 4

Re-watching these now makes me feel faintly guilty for having made them work so very, very hard.

But as you’ll be able to see, however exhausted they were, there is some very good stuff starting to happen here:

Olwen and Hilary:


And tomorrow, the final clips, and their final thoughts - in Welsh and in English! :slight_smile:


Yes, we’ll never be the same again… but in a good way :smile:


Transcripts for Videos day 4

I’ve only had chance for a quick listen, so there’s a few gaps, which I’ll try and fill in later.

Olwen and HIlary
O: Beth wyt ti’n mynd i gwneud ar y penwythnos?
H: Dw i’n mynd i ymlacio
O: Syniad da
A: Yfed gwin?
H: Yfed gwin
O: Cysgu?
H: A cysgu. Ymlacio. Ymlacio. Wyt ti’n 'di cael digon i bwyta heddiw?
O: Ydw, … bwyta
H: Beth? Wyt ti’n licio/hoffi bwyta pysgod?
O: Dw i’n hoffi bwyta pysgod

Simon and Aran
S: Fedra’ i ddim yn meddwl
A: Ti wedi blino?
S: Ie. Dw i wedi blino mawr. Yn y bore dw i’n cerdded … llawer …Penygreos, Penygreos a …
A: Oedd y tywydd yn dda?
S: Mae glaw ddim yn … ond
A: Mae’n iawn. Paid â phoeni. Paid â phoeni. Ti’n … dda. Wyt ti’n edrych ymlaen i fynd adre?
S: Ie
A: Beth wyt t’n isio gwneud adre? Gwneud? “to do”
S: Dw i’n mynd i’r caffi, yfed coffi. Coffi cryf
A: … i’r dafarn?
S: Ie. Wel, ddim yfed cwrw. Dw i …
A: Ie. Ti’n drivio
S: Coffi cryf. Coffi du


A, ya … on nhw wedi blino yn racs … Mae’n rhaid i ti teimlo tipin bach yn euog, @aran . :slight_smile:

You 3 are still talking what amazes me and while Aran recorded @simonadeydavies I am happy to see @hilary and @OlwenR still carying on with the sgwrs. Top notch all three, really!


You’re too kind :slight_smile: