SSiW in SecondLife

Hi @margarethall ~ You are a true digital adventurer, exploring new worlds! SL has been around awhile. I am not an expert, but might be able to help a bit, one avatar to another.
When you install Firestorm, be extra sure to load the right version of the viewer for your machine. and double check the basic system requirements. Once you are logged in, turn your graphic preferences way down - or until your computer is happy, and loading images quickly for you. That is really the best advice I might offer.

But I hear they have classes, and help forums for the bigger questions. It really is a whole 'nuther world… simulation. :wink:

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Thanks for the advice. I’m torn between wanting to explore the possibilities yet also aware that it will be yet another online place to visit.

Do you see SL having any advantages over our very successful Slack forums where we arrange either one-to-one chats or Hangouts?

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I’ve dabbled before - my avatar was a robotic-looking character called Datrys (overcome). So long ago (before 2000 I think) I doubt I still have the email address I used then. I’ll have a shufftee…

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Excellent! @Garys
You may want to set up a new avatar, but that is easy enough. They have some really cool avatars available in the Marketplace, too.

S’mae @margarethall, now that I have seen the hangout system, it seems both are really cool way to build community and practice language skills in real time conversation. I guess it would be which ever is more convenient for you.

@aran and @Deborah-SSi Thank you for the kind mention in the newsletter! Hope to virtually see you all very soon.

Note of clarification to everyone, I am not an expert in Second Life. It was something I used for work, (teaching herbology at an online school,) so I know how to make it work a very little bit. I am happy to help if I can.

Also there is now a giant chessboard on the roof of our virtual clubhouse for play (chware?) yn y Gymraeg, rwan. The name of the clubhouse is HIraeth.

Please post your SL user name on this thread, as @Garys has. Then I will friend you “in-world” and send an invite to teleport to Hiraeth. After that, please feel free to log in anytime and chat with other SSiW students there.


Ooh, might have to mention that to a bunch of Welsh-speaking chess players I know… :slight_smile:

Now - if you were talking to a very slow person (which as far as Second Life goes, you ARE) - what would I do to get started and find the right place? :slight_smile:

This might be of use to the budding Chess players: New Podcast about chess in Welsh

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On thinking about it, unless I hear via the forum that the Welsh group on Second Life has really taken off, I’ll pass for the moment. I already have (counts on fingers) about a dozen online social media accounts, including this forum. I’m active to varying degrees on each though some, like Instagram and Tumblr, I created but have never quite worked out what I could use them for. I fear that Second Life would be one account too far.

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Here is a teleport (link) to our clubhouse. teleport to SSiW clubhouse ~ Hiraeth

If you do not already have an account on SecondLife, they will direct you to create one right away. This means filling in a bit of info and choosing an avatar (your virtual body). Don’t worry about the avatar too much at this point - you can always change this later.

As soon as you have a user name, please enter it in this forum thread. With this we will be able to find you in-world, set the clubhouse security system for you, send teleports, group invites, and other messages.

This is very important:
At some point you will need to log-in to the new account. To do this you will need to load a viewer program to your device. On a PC or Mac I recommend using the Firestorm Viewer for SL over the version offered by SecondLife. Follow these directions carefully and choose the right one for your computer. Check in Settings > About if you do not know your computer specifications.

If you are on a tablet or smartphone, Lumiya is the viewer to use.

Once you have an avatar, you enter a special learning island that teaches you how to move about. If you are a gamer, this will be easy. I am not a gamer, and it took a while to get the hang of it. Until then, it was hilarious.

Once off the learner island, you are sent to a market area to explore things - but you can teleport pretty much anywhere “in- world” at this point. It is a big virtual world out there, and it is easy to get sidetracked into just about anything there.

Since you have already posted your user name in the forum thread (here) it is likely you have an invitation to visit the clubhouse waiting for you - Look in the upper right hand corner of your screen for new communications. Don’t despair if it is not there… there may be a time difference and it could take a few hours for me to get around to it. :wink:

When you receive it, use the teleport link and you will arrive just outside the door. If you open the door and see a large Welsh flag and a tea cart you will know you are in the right place. :smiley:

If no one else is there, message any friend in our group. I have my SL notifications set to arrive in my email, so I ‘should’ see them - if I am anywhere near a device.

That should be enough to get started. It is a big adventure, but not quite as risky as setting out into the unknown in the real world, eh?

Note: Go to the SecondLife Marketplace if you want anything, including a whole new avatar.
If you choose a giant red dragon for an avatar, it will not fit in the clubhouse and you will have to play on the roof. Just saying…


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That’s a fantastic post, Roslyn - brilliantly helpful - diolch yn fawr! :star: :star2:

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For the record, my SL username is RoslynHedges. If you are watching this thread, that is me there. You can IM me from SL and I will get the message in my email. I might also send a group invitation or notice to you, so don’t wonder who that is if you get one. It’s me.

Here, I have adjusted my user name, so we (fellow students) might connect on Fb? Not really sure how that works… :blush:

Anyway, fair play ~ I’ve ordered a copy of ‘A Chwarae DI Wyddbwyll’ which is on the way across the pond. Have decided to go to the SL clubhouse for my daily five minute run about noon (Pacific, or 8pm Wales). If I can, I will stay and chat (read as: ymarfer siarad Cymraeg) if anyone is about…

See you there!

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Found you in the SL system and sent invites -
I am there daily at about noon to do my listening and speaking practice. Generally gone by 12:15 unless there is someone there.

Liciwn i’r cyfle ymarfer sairad efo chdi, neu unrhyw pob yma. :wink:

(Google translate seemed happy with that, but please correct any mistakes - as Mum said, I am trying!)
Hope to ‘see’ you soon!


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Hello @margarethall! Oh my these forums had me confused for a second or three.

Mostly, it’s the opportunity for daily practice no matter where you live. I am there about noon daily (PT) for practice speaking, and anyone can use the place so do the same. The clubhouse in SL has chess and now a dart board to broaden our options for interaction. But, when enough show interest I have two words…

Battle Dragons :wink:



Heads up - I am AFK this afternoon. Will miss seeing you!


I’ve opened an account on my phone but I’m not able to find a body!!! Lol :crazy_face:
My name is AeronwenAzar

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Great! AeronwenAzar is now on the list of people with access to the clubhouse in SL. A teleport offer was also sent with a friendship request from me. :wink:
I will be in-world today about noonish (Pacific Time). Have fun picking out an avatar! Hope to see you soon.

P.S. I haven’t figured out how to do much from the Lumiya viewer, although I’ve seen others use it with great success. Mostly I use the desktop with headphones, etc. (I feel so old right now…)

PPS: Sut i ddeud, “club house”? Ty clwb?



Leslieann I still can’t work Lumiya.
My eldest daughter is going to bring my laptop to the hospital for me tomorrow…My youngest daughter had breathing problems last week and were still in the intensive care unit.

Oh my goodness! I will light a candle for her and you both.


Thanks Leslieann :heart:

“Do not try Control+Shift+6+w to make a little hat over the w. It will shut your browser down without saving anything.”
Wnesti nae do? Did you do that? I guess it’s less comnon than alt+f4 :tired_face:

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Thank you Leslieann …She’s opened her eyes this morning…the first time in 10days xxx :heart: xx