Sorry to harp on about it, but would it be correct to say any of the following permutations then?
Chlywais i mo’r syniad diweddaraf
Chlywais i ddim o’r syniad diweddaraf
Chlywais i ddim y syniad diweddaraf
I wonder what is more common?
Sorry to harp on about it, but would it be correct to say any of the following permutations then?
Chlywais i mo’r syniad diweddaraf
Chlywais i ddim o’r syniad diweddaraf
Chlywais i ddim y syniad diweddaraf
I wonder what is more common?
You wouldn’t hear that in modern Welsh, but the other two are pretty much interchangeable…
Diolch!! Diddorol iawn, pawb…
(I do like to clear these things up!)
Is there a way to get notified of any updates & additions made to the welsh section so you know things like when a new lesson/vocab session, exercise etc has been posted? Diolch, Clairx
I think if you go into the News section you should be able to click on something in the top right to subscribe to notifications from it - @tatjana might be able to do a better job of explaining the process than I can!..
Hello @Clair.
Unfortunately I don’t have much time as I’m at work but in the mean time I believe this topic Discourse for the obsessive is just right reading for solving this problem. I believe there’s actually no need for additional explanation if you reat it as @wondersheep did superb work already.
Pob lwc.
@aran thank you for tagging me. Glad to asist.
Told you so…
Although I didn’t actually expect you to sneak time off work to do it, Tatjana! Quick, close the browser…
Multitasking … (although short periodes are involved inbetween one and another task.
I meant updates to the actual lessons/vocab sessions themselves. Wondersheeps section appears to refer to keeping up to date on the forum responses.
If you set yourself as ‘Watching’ for the News category, as per Wondersheep’s explanation, then you’ll see alerts for new lessons, because that’s where we put them…
Ah, the light dawns! Diolch, Clairx
Thank you for an aid here @aran as I strictly obayed early when at work and closed htat browser … (well not just immediatelly but some minutes later though)
I was wondering how to say ‘free time’ as in I will have some free time later tonight
I have found ‘amser rhad ac am ddim’, but that seems a strange combination of words
Amser rhydd…
Rhad ac am ddim means free in the context of not needing to pay for it…
[quote=“aran, post:189, topic:3153”]
Amser rhydd…[/quote]
Would amser hamdden work for “free time” - leisure time?
Yup, absolutely…
Helo pawb.
Lots of useful material in this thread!
This is probably an old chestnut … but why does Cymraeg call Westminster “San Steffan”?
I hope this is the right place to ask this sort of question.
Not sure myself, but wikipedia gives a plausible explanation:'s_Chapel
What Saint is Westminster Abbey dedicated to? I always presumed that was St. Steven… but the Chapel makes sense!!!