2016 Tresaith Bootcamp April 23-30

Mae Iestyn yn eithaf sal ar y funud - bydd yn ateb hyn pan bydd o’n well!

Ond - does dim rhaid dod efo gwisgo nofio - ond mae’n neis cael y dewis os bydd y tywydd yn braf!

Gest ti ebost oddi wrth Iestyn? Os ti’n clicio ‘reply’ ar hynna, bydd yn mynd yn syth at Iestyn… :sunny:

Oh, naaaa …

Brysia wella @Iestyn!


Shw mae, bawb? Partially recovered enough to be at the computer at least! (Nothing serious, by the way, just a “mystery virus” that is going round the village causing a bit of dizziness and a pick and mix of other random symptoms!)

Anyway - Alan, the kithen is pretty well appointed (to commercial kitchen standards), but there is no food mixer, and the oven is a large gas oven with random heat distribution throughout. In other words, you can burn one thing whilst the thing next to it is still frozen (exaggeration alert, but not much of an exaggeration either…)

Also, there is a faint wifi signal at the canolfan for BTInternet people who are registered for access to the BT with FON network, but it is unreliable, will cost for anyone not registered, and will be frowned upon in general use.

The web is a bit of a nuisance on bootcamp, as it is very tempting to “just check emails” which leads to “just look at this one Facebook alert” etc, most or all of which will happen in English, and will take up precious mintues / hours of the time that you could be using taking advantage of the unique bootcamp “Life in Welsh” experience.

I am fully aware that in our hyper-connected world, it will cause problems to be “off-grid” for a whole week, and there will be phone calls home, and work emails etc to deal with, but we consistently find that people who are not religious about the no-English rule, at least in the first few days, find Bootcamp less successful than those who literally cut themselves off from the English world outside the bootcamp bubble. We’ll talk about that a bit in the introduction at the beginning of bootcamp, so that you can all make informed and sensible decisions about what English you will need to speak /read /write during the week (which will be absolutely zero between bootcampers - that’s not even a quarter as frightening in real life as it sounds written down!).

If anyone hasn’t received the email I sent a week or so ago, then let me know here, or email me at iestyn saysomethinginwelsh.com, and I’ll resend to you. That’s also the email address for any queries that you’d rather not ask on the public forum.

Swim suits are not compulsory, although when I blow the whistle at the end of the 5.00 am aerobic sessions, you will be required to run into the sea. It’s your choice of what you wear.

OK, not quite - you’re coming on holiday. If you would normally go into the sea, even to try it (it’s absolutely freezing at the moment!), then bring a suit. If you think you may be tempted bu other people going into the sea, then bring one. But apart from speaking Welsh, or miming, at all times, everything else is optional and your own choice - you’re on holiday!

Diolch @tatjana


Hi Cathy,
It’s looking like a lift might not be possible, so if you still need one I think I’m going to take the car and leave my partner the bike (with the two seats for the kids) for the school runs. Welcome to call me on 07868206627 to discuss.