6 months course

Coming to the end of level 2. Just finished challenge 20. I usually use the ap on my I pad but today completed via the email. I noticed on there is an advanced content. When is it advised to look at this or will I be asked sometime in the future to look into other places on the forum/slack.

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What I know about the Advanced Content is that it is available to subscribers (who pay a monthly fee to have access to it and/or all other material available on SSiW) and it is meant for those who have finished Level 3.

However I can tell I started listening to it before doing Level 3 and it was very useful anyway because there are audio files of interviews with transcripts and translations. So even just as ear training, it’s better than the radio, in my opinion, because you can always check what you think you understood with what they actually said. :laughing:

By the way, if you’d like to know more you can search “advanced content” on the forum you can find a few threads talking about it.

Pob lwc with finishing Level 2 and your learning! :slight_smile:


I pay the monthly subscription therefore I must have access, I just didn’t know about it. Thanks for the encouragement, Here’s to learning more :tada::grinning:


@aran I’m on week 25 and have found the process amazing. It’s hard work and I’ve pushed myself to go and use Welsh, and I’m really happy with the results of being able to converse to a certain level. However, i can’t do what you are asking this week. I don’t have an hour every day to set aside to chat in any language. I’m using Welsh as much as possible but what you are asking this week is unachievable

You’ve basically done what’s needed - this is an attempt to push you out of the nest permanently, but inevitably it’s going to be impossible for some people - just push yourself to get as close to it as you CAN do, just for this one week… :slight_smile: :star: :star2:

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I’m in the same boat as @Onion - Just impossible for me to find either the time or the people to speak with for an hour every day. But I just reckoned that as long as I keep organising as many skypes as I can, I’m not going to worry about it. I think I’ll be going for the Deep End, but I feel as if I need a week off first to regroup and consolidate - is that possible, @aran?

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Yes, that’s the spirit! I’m fairly sure that you can kick off the Deep End whenever you want to - if it misbehaves, come on here and tag @kinetic :slight_smile: :star2: and WELL DONE for getting to the end of Level 2!! :partying_face:

Thanks for your replies. I get the point to push on but reading the weekly emails from Iestyn makes me feel a fraud when it is not possible to do what is asked. There’s no way I can leave everyday life behind and take part in 7 hour-long conversations this week. But I can push myself to use Welsh in everyday life as much as possible. I think one of the things that has helped to get this far is the flexibility of an online course, and being able to do a lot of listening and learning while doing other things. I’ve completed most of the challenges when driving (warning: to begin with I found I couldn’t remember how to drive when my brain switched to language learning) and I’ve really looked forward to each new challenge. Same with the listening exercises. Radio Cymru is always on in the bathroom if that’s not too much information. SSiW is the best way to go. It is really amazing the progress that is possible and I’m very happy to have achieved so much in 6 months.