Ac mae?

just wondering why ac is used before mae eisiau i fi? Is it used for other reasons besides a vowel following it? Diolch.

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It used to be “ac y mae” as I understand :slight_smile:
Edited to add this-
here’s an earlier thread on the same question -
Ac before consonant in “ac mae”? - Welsh / General / Questions - SSi Forum (

ah thanks for finding that - think I’ll just make a note that it’s ac before mae and let anything else wait till I come across it- I’ll get too confused otherwise! :grinning:


Good plan. I struggle with rules. Easier to include it in a sentence to allow it to feel right


Welsh used to have preverbal particles used to indicate the type of sentence.

y(r) for affirmative
a for interrogative
ni(d) for negative

The letter in parentheses is added if the next word starts with a vowel.

Ni(d) got replaced by postverbal dim.

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Good idea - there are other ‘ac’ uses before other words, but best to wait :grinning: