Any vocab lists available please? Or translator?

Diolch yn fawr.
You are all so supportive and kind.


Hi, I am a new learner and I was also going to ask the same question about vocabulary lists. So far I am up to lesson three by mostly just listening to the speaking without the vocabulary but I think I would find it useful to use a vocabulary list to memorise the speech patterns eg Dw i’n moyn dysgu, Dw i’n Moyn siarad ect. Would it be ok to do it this way?

Iestyn’s excellent summary of this issue from earlier in the thread is well worth a look:

So it’s fine to use them to check that you’ve got the right consonants, and I’d say also if you’re the kind of person (like me!) who sometimes struggles to remember something until you have an idea what it looks like written down. But please don’t do this before you’ve listened to it pronounced in the lesson, and don’t actually try to memorise the written list, or else you’ll just end up learning a bunch of spellings better than their actual pronunciations! The vocab lists are intended more as a sort of checking aid than a learning tool, if that makes sense, and the audio should always be the primary means by which the Welsh gets into your head :slight_smile: