Breakthroughs: Does anybody have small successes/breakthroughs speaking Cymraeg they want to share?

Sgwp. That’s my vote. It was actually the first Welsh book that I completed reading, and I was pretty chuffed. Good story too.


Sgwp it is, then! Thanks for the recommendation! :slight_smile:


But read Bywyd Blodwen Jones after that! (and the two sequels :slight_smile: ).


I will! I already have all three :slight_smile: Anrhegion Nadolig (Christmas presents!) :slight_smile:

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I just joined the local library in Welsh, which was pretty good to be fair :slight_smile:


The condition was (I hope) that you only take out Welsh-language books … :grin:

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Sadly, work was too busy to have a proper look around - but I am definitely going to do so tomorrow!

To add to my other fairly normal life activities - I also got another set of recycling bags (in Welsh!)

My life is all about the thrill!


The first post in this thread was where @Howard paid his Council Tax in Welsh. Most of our communications are of the mundane sort. After all, we are unlikely to propose marriage on an regular basis.


This is as much a breakthrough in dog discipline as it is in speaking Welsh. He knows where his Gwely is and goes there when told. He is also much more likely to “aros” in one place than he is to “stay”. Very useful!


If mundane is acceptable, then get yourselves ready for some terribly average updates from me on this thread.

I joined the library in Welsh.
I bought a chip butty in Welsh.
I paid for my petrol in Welsh…

…its all coming, just you wait!!!


I had my last appointment with the Welsh speaking family I mentioned in the Diolch thread. An hour of Welsh with snippets of English (from both of us, I have no idea how to say neuro-plasticity in Welsh!), the patient’s Mum was very complimentary.

So I told her all about SSiW and how amazing a programme and community it is. How many people have learnt so effectively with the programme and how natural it feels to form sentences thanks to SSiW. She asked me to pass on her compliments to the Chefs. @aran, @CatrinLliarJones, @Iestyn, @anon86454181 - Dwedodd hi wrtha i eich bod chi’n gwneud rhywbeth arbennig. Roedd hi eisiau dweud diolch wrthoch chi i gyd :smile:


Unless one is a cad or a boundah! :wink:

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I love this thread. I’m not totally sure it counts as a breakthrough in my welsh but I realized I described myself as a welsh speaker for the first time this week. (Working through Challenge 16 South.)

I’ve also got to the stage where I feel I just need to talk to someone in welsh every so often. I have two very patient welsh-speaking friends who are kind enough to talk to me on Skype or telephone once in a while. Still working up to the confidence to try a chat with any of the first-language speakers I know.


Distinct lack of cads and bounders here. But many, many brownie points for a marriage proposal yn y Cymraeg.

Definitely counts as a breakthrough!


@AnthonyCusack, did you?

Did I…?

Crossed wires possibly. I was referring to marriage propsals, but you were responding to a different theme.

I have done that yes :smile: (wasn’t in Welsh :unamused:) priodas 2018 yn Gymraeg


Did somebody call…?
