Cardiff monthly meet-ups 2018

Hope you can make it Jenny - haven’t seen you for a long time!

I can come after 8pm. Will you still be around then?


Yes, we are generally there until 9ish, or even later. Look forward to seeing you!

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Sorry guys, it isn’t looking likely now as hubby still not home :frowning:

Sorry you can’t make it tonight - maybe next month.

Well, tonight we were there until gone 10pm. It seems that there is going to be a quiz in the Bragdy a Chegin every Monday night, so tonight we joined in. And we won! A keg of beer!! Unfortunately it was not in Welsh (although the quizmaster is Dewi “Chips” who was the monthly Welsh quizmaster in the MD). And the only other team were visitors from North Devon who were camping in the nearby campsite! The quiz also had a slight bias towards Wales and also several questions concerning Australia, and Karla was in our team. We also welcomed Ifan and Phil McM and there was also Gav, Phil and me the regulars. A shame that neither Jenny nor Hishiv were able to join us. Now we have to organise a get together to drink the keg of Tiger Bay beer!! Hopefully the quiz will be in Welsh next time.

And the food was very good!


Not my subjects but enjoyed it nonetheless. Nice to see you all. Hopefully we will get Anarcho-punk singles as a subject next time. :thinking::nerd_face:
The quizmaster did most of the questions in welsh and English and said afterward it’s going to be a bilingual (welsh English) from now on every Monday.

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Sorry I couldn’t make it in the end. Sounds like I missed a good one.

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Today is 1 October and Phil and I sitting in the old MD on our ownsome! Using their wifi as we are not connected at home yet, having moved less than a week ago! And the week before that I was walking on the Isle of Man, so no reminder of a meeting tonight! Maybe someone will turn up in the next hour or so. Meanwhile we will enjoy Burger night!!


Was there a November meet? If not yet, when is it? If not, shall we plan one for December? It would be lovely to meet some fellow Cardiff learners to wish them Nadolig Llawen :slight_smile:

Shwmae Teresa,
I didn’t go this month as I were finishing work too late to join in. The December meet would likely be on the 3rd, and the last before Nadolig a’r Flwyddyn Newydd. I will be able to go to the December one. Hopefully @ali, @philstone, @jenny_white_378, @Karla and others will be able to make it too.
Gav :slight_smile:


Unfortunately, I won’t be able to come - I just started Cwrs Gloywi and it happens on Monday nights! :frowning: I’ll definitely be back once the course finishes though!

Yes, it was last Monday. I had forgotten to post a reminder in the hubub that was half term, so only Phil and I were there, but friends from Merthyr joined us and we entered the quiz, coming second. We will be there on 3 December, but have a double session of Pilates beforehand so will be ravenous! Monday night is burger night, so you get a lovely burger with chips, a bun and salad for just £6!

And good luck to Karla on the Gloywi course!


Hope to be there in December for xmas burgers :grin:

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Christmas meet up on Monday 3 December! Sadly I can’t be there as I will be looking after my granddaughters in Hereford! If anyone is going to be there, then Phil will join you. Hope some of you can make it and enjoy Christmas burgers and the quiz! Alison