Cat, Iestyn and family on S4C's Noson Lawen 22/1

Cat and Iestyn - the voices of the southern version of the course - will be performing with their four children on Noson Lawen on S4C this Saturday, 22 January, at 8pm GMT


Llongyfarchiadau i chi gyd! Oeddech chi’n ymeising!

Congratulations to you all! You were amazing!

I loved this!!! :star_struck::heart_eyes: Llongyfarchiadau Teulu Ap Dafydd - you’re all so talented!! :slight_smile:

It’s lovely to put faces to the familiar voices. And such a talented bunch! Llongyfarchiadau i chi i gyd.

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Lying in bed, proper poorly, but that has cheered me up no end. Brilliant!

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