Catrin and Aran on the move

ā€¦ And room for Aranā€™s drums? :joy:

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If you are not going to use a removals company, I would be more than happy to drive a hired lorry for you, if youā€™d like to consider that. I could even bring a lorry with me, although it probably makes more sense to hire one from a firm close to where youā€™re moving to and I could just drive there and leave my car with themā€¦ Iā€™ve done some work for Pickfords in the past and next week Iā€™ll be training for an articulated licence, so Iā€™ll probably be over-qualifiedā€¦! Also happy to porter, of course. Our daughter is getting married on Sunday 7th August and then Phyl and I are in Bala on holiday for the rest of that week. I would be delighted if I could help the week after that, from the 13th onwards, or the week after thatā€¦ If youā€™d like me to bring tools, just let me know. Camping sounds fun!
You know my phone numberā€¦


Llongyfarchiadau from me as well - I hope to be able to pronounce it acceptably one day - and have a pleasant move!

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Wonderful news! Many congratulations. I will definitely try to get over to see you when Iā€™m next up in Gogs.

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When? Where? OK, there is no way I will see you, but itā€™s nice to know!!

23 July to 4. August.

Llanelli - Tresaith - Cardiff - Eisteddfod - Cardiff.

Thank you. :slight_smile:


If I lived just a wee bit closer I would love to help.

At any rate I wish you and your family the best in your new home and a smooth move and transition (with lots of help!).

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Very happy for you all. With all good wishes for a smooth move and congrats on aiming for the right time of year. The last two times we did it was in snow and ice! Itā€™s a great adventure.

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@aran I have counted up that Iā€™ve moved, with furniture 11 times and without, as a student,4 times. I learned that doing it yourself with help of friends leads to total exhaustion and lots of sorting out for ages after moving day! I learned that accurate measurement is vital and never forget that furniture usually stands in front of skirting boards, not on them! :sob:
When moving out, make sure to mark boxes clearly with where the stuff came from or will go to, depending on circumstances. Plans are best done on squared paper with furniture cut out to scale, so it can be moved around to find best fit!!
When moving a short distance, it is best to have a responsible person at each end. The one in the new house must be the one with the clearest vision of where everything will go!
I may be talking to folk with vast experience, in which case, ignore this posting, but it occurred to me that some people have rarely moved or have only done so as students with little or no furniture!!
p.s. If work needs doing like running cables under floors or ditto gas pipes, if at all possible, itā€™s best to get it done before the carpets are laid, even if it means sending the kids to Nainā€™s house and adults sleeping on camp-bed with a camping stove or in the garden house while putting furniture into store. (If you can afford the latter!) I slept on a wartime camp bed (my dadā€™s) on the landing in one flat and was very aware of a railway line, as the floor vibrated and my bed with it!! It was worth it because I had a lot lof power sockets installed and some gas fires. Of course, nowadays itā€™s pipes for radiators or underfloor heating!!


That person is meeeeeeeeee! :grin:


Llongyfarchiadau a pob lwc yn eich ty newydd!

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I love it! Can I give advice, too? Make sure the people that are moving out have actually moved out and arenā€™t still dragging black bagsful of stuff across the lawn - cheap black bags that break and spill and annoy the professional guys who you are paying a lot of money to be very, very patient. Just make a quick phoney call to the solicitors and tell the professionals a big lie that the money hasnā€™t transferred yet !!!

Itā€™s only one day - itā€™s always got its funny side, but every day thereafter is a fabulous adventure in your new home. And thatā€™s brilliant because you chose itā€¦


I love that! It just shows that one can always learn. In all my moves, that is one problem I have never encountered!!! Had trouble with their solicitors losing the papers and holding up the sale, had trouble with my solicitor (inherited from my dad and regarding me as a fragile girl, suitable for patting head thereof) in a fret about insurance for my Gower cottage because I was living in London and insurers would be afraid of meibion Glyndwr!!! Poor deluded man was in Hereford!

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Thank you all so much for your lovely comments :star: :star2:

I spent the tail-end of last week at the first national conference for Welsh for Adults with Iestyn, which was an interesting, illuminating and constructive day - got home on the Saturday, and got my first chance to be back on the forum now (which is why I havenā€™t answered before now!) :slight_smile:

Changes to Bootcamp - yes, very likely - Iā€™m not currently aware of anywhere as large as Gadlas near Caernarfon - so we may well go in the direction of smaller events - weā€™ll see how it works outā€¦

Gary, diolch o galon - thatā€™s such a kind offer - I gather the Boss will be in touch soonā€¦:wink:

Weā€™d moved home 7 times by the time I was 18, I notched up an extra 5 as a student, and then another 10 since then - but nothing at all for the last 6 years, which has been really rather lovely. I rather like the idea of this being the last time, I must admitā€¦:slight_smile:


Donā€™t count on it, bach! ā€œThe best laid plans of mice and menā€¦ā€ I sat on a borrowed chair in my Gower cottage and thought, ā€œI could die happy now!ā€ I added, ā€œBest wait until the workā€™s done and the furniture in!ā€, but I never expected to move again!
Mmmā€¦ to @arianrhod I have realised that I never arrived to find folk still moving out, but I had my only bad experience with Pickfords when moving up here. They were late arriving and took forever to move me out. I had my buyer sitting on the front step waiting for what seemed like for ever. I didnā€™t think, ā€œOh, that could happen to me one day!ā€ But then I wasnā€™t aiming to move from here!

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Just wondering if you have timeā€¦ wait I know the answer to that already!!..Just wondering if you could please bring us up to speed on the latest move plans, Aran and Catrin? Gobeithio pethauā€™n symud 'mlaenā€¦

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The boss is at full speed with packing and stuff - weā€™ve got all bar one of the legal things done, so we should be able to get to completion before the end of the month - and then the move itself once we get back from the Steddfodā€¦

I think the boss was planning on being in touch with you - if she hasnā€™t yet, itā€™s just a ā€˜frantically busyā€™ thingā€¦:wink:

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Llongyfarchiadau mawr i chi, we couldnā€™t be more happy for you; you deserve nothing less after giving so much for so many years!! :champagne:

Fun and exciting times ahead, siwr i fod! :slight_smile:

Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Cymerwch ofal xx


Diolch o galon! :slight_smile:

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Edrych 'mlaen at sgwrsio.
Nice when youā€™ve trained the English spell-check to correct your Welsh spelling as well!!

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