Course 2 Lesson 0

So @Iestyn you have new look and feel now? I thought it isn’t questionable thingy for you since you’re in HQ. :slight_smile: - hehe.

And yes, we applied for new design and got it in this topic Welsh - a new design

OK, I’ve now given you the checkbox so if you look under Account Settings as instructed by Iestyn you will be able to try out the new design. :slight_smile:


Thank you :smile:

I’ve been doing some reading up on this, and apparently this is technically known as a “modal dialogue” or a “modal overlay”, rather than a pop-up window in the traditional sense. The point is that it’s not really a new window - it is still technically within the original window, unlike traditional pop-up windows, which could disappear behind the original window, or be stretched, moved, minimised or whatever.

Yah, this window is kind of “floating” one. I actually love it.

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Same problem as described here I’m having. I’ve tried IE, Chrome and Firefox, no luck. Clicking the Lesson 0 button simply reloads the page. Lesson doesn’t play and gives no option to download.

Thanks for the heads up, Morgan - I’m tagging @kinetic in here - he’ll be able to help you :sunny:

Me to sorry I can’t get it same as Morgan :frowning:

Ah, I think I see - some code that supports the region-specific stuff for the new layout accidentally interfering with the old layout. Should be fixed now :slight_smile:

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Mae hynny’n gweithio iawn. Diolch yn fawr i aran a Kinetic.


that’s it I’ve got it thank you :smile: @Kinetic


When you are saying I do not, is that written as sai?

You do not = so ti, or is it sa ti?

The vocabulary pop-up is blank for Lesson 0.

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Sa i, So ti, So fe, So hi, So ni, So chi, So nhw

Hope that helps!


@iestyn @faithless78 if either of you guys can give me the content list, I can stick it into the vocab popup… :slight_smile:

I don’t have it with me to hand now, but I can post it up later when I get home from work.

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Gwych, diolch yn fawr iawn! :star: :star2:

This is what I have from my notes.

Gweud as alternate for Dweud
Wy, Wi, Rwy as alternates for Dw i

Alternate negatives
(Nhw hasn’t yet been covered but follows same pattern with So)
Sa i’n instead of Dw i ddim yn
Sa i wedi
So ti’n
So fe‘n
So hi‘n
So ni‘n
So chi‘n


What @craigf has put here is pretty much it!! It’s important to note that because this is about as colloquial as you can get in the southern dialect, and since none of these words appear in this form in dictionaries etc, this isnt officially how these words are spelt as far as I am aware! However, how Craig has spelt these are exactly how I have written them down too.


I knew I’d seen them written down somewhere, so I just checked…They are shown in Gareth King’s Modern Welsh Dictionary, under the “bod” entry.

Page 25: “Some Southern areas have a special set of forms for the present negative of bod…”

Spelling is the same :slight_smile:


I actually have this dictionary and I must admit, I never checked this part of the book!
But what I meant was, it doesn’t appear in the part where all the other words are found.

Good to know this though :slight_smile: