Disasters - Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Wild fires

I was working in London when there was a terrible earthquake which did vast damage in Mexico City and we had a lovely chap from there with us on sabbatical doing research, The internet was nothing like today and virtually nothing was coming from there. Happily, when news did filter through, his family was OK. I do hope our two map-pins and their families are OK now.
Hurricanes are never enjoyable, and the nearest I have known was a bad storm which hit Gower with winds measured at Mumbles as 100 mph. I was blown over and had to crawl, clinging to three leads, but managed to get me and three Cavaliers in my back door before next door’s. garage roof blew off! I know the Caribbean and Florida are having much, much worse than that and i am sure we all wish all there the best possible outcome!
I see map pins Haiti and Jamaica. Lots, I guess in Florida!

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I’m joining in hopes that all SSiWers from there are OK and safe and I hope the hurricanes and earthquakes do as little damage as possible to people themselves.

Pob lwc i bawb yno.

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Adding victims of Forest Wild fires to the list of those for whom we are feeling sympathy and for whom we wish the best possible outcome.