Going BLUE- week 21 'ANSWER' recording **Green to Blue badge** đŸ”” (Awarded Mondays)

Here is my answer to Ceri - Hughes question. Thanks for the question and for listening :smile::smile:

Brilliant alanbrown! You now have your BLUE badge! :smile:

Here is my answer to Sebastian-Harker’s question (7 Feb):

Answer to @caroline-de-groot

Dioch am gwrando

Answering Margaret: SIMPLE -- Question from Margaret [YMLACIO] (Currently doing Level 3)

No idea if this is at all grammatically correct

Brilliant work @caroline-de-groot, @klaus and @elysiabrenner! You now have your BLUE badges! :smiley:

hopefully this works, my answer to sandra’s question :smile:

My answer to @jan-21’s question.

Answer to Sharon-cunningham Feb 10

Brilliant answers @rosemary-furness @kara-lawson and @jane-billinge! You now have your BLUE badges! :smiley:

Answering with two of the fairly limited things anybody can do at the weekends these days

My answer to Gavin Williams’ question :slight_smile:

Hiya, here’s my answer to Beth’s question "ble wyt ti moyn mynd nos Wener?!

My reply to @Alexm’s question.

Hi Catrin sorry I am being such a pain, I have done an answer (sadly not sure who to! It was a woman who asked Wyt ti’n dysgu Cwmraeg.
I dont understand how to get my recording to the forum! Hopefully by the end of the year I will get to grips with the technology! Jacqui S

Answer to AlexM question. It’s short and sweet :grinning:

Brilliant answers everyone! You now have your BLUE badges! :smiley:


Please don’t worry, Jacqui. The important thing is that you are able to continue working your way through the lessons. The tasks, though encouraged, aren’t a compulsory part of the course, neither is the recording. But have a look at this to see if it helps in any way

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: The ‘5 Min’ Test- week 18 ‘SENTENCES’ recording Pink to Red badge :red_circle: (Awarded Mondays)