Helo! Progress updates (and probably questions!)

Oh, this woudln’t bring any smile to my face either.

One thing though: Don’t rush! Everyone would understand the circumstances I’m sure.

Obviously this “after-festive” time is kind of the time to put us on hard ground obviously. Your problems are harder then mine though but we had certain problems too.


Family and health (and family’s health!) come first! Don’t add stressing about Growth Club!

I did a lesson on the tram this morning, despite a slight difficultly in hearing when stop announcements were being made I think it went okay. I’ll see tomorrow when I try Lesson 7 whether Lesson 6 has stuck!


Diolch… :sunny: And well done! Let us know if you end up in any particularly interesting places when you miss your own stop…:wink:

Hehe … I miss my many times but from other reasons then learning. - :slight_smile:

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Luckily in the mornings when I do my lessons I get off at the final stop!

Lesson 7 today, didn’t recognise the new words that were being introduced so this must be where I got up to last year!


Always very handy! I remember coming very close to going to Scotland once, when I was aiming for Bangor…:wink:


You tak the high road…etc :blush:


I struggled with Challenge 10 on the tram today, didn’t get through it with constant pausing and shuffling on and off whenever the tram stopped. I’ve just given it another go in my lunch break and compared to the previous Challenge I’m not managing barely anything! Even stuff I got right last time.

Might just accept that today is not the day and give it another go tomorrow. The other option might be that I’m just not taking enough in whilst doing the challenges silently in my head and I’ll have to rethink my strategy.

This is the most likely initial suspect - we all have ebbs and flows with our energy, and we’re not always aware of it - so definitely worth having another run at it. But the tram sounds a bit too busy to be ideal - which might be more of an issue than not vocalising…


Success! Tram wasn’t as busy today, and I managed to get through Challenge 10 with mostly correct (if slightly slow) sentences. Certainly felt much easier than yesterday, so I’m going to just blame Tuesday :smile:


Terrific! It’s actually really valuable to have had that experience, and to know that it’s okay just to have an off-day… :sunny:

Hello Rachel, I’ve just been looking at your thread. Impressive progress and an informative thread. hyd yn hyn is one of my favourite set of words. The other is ‘ychidig o ffrindiau’ which is also the only word I’ve looked up, as no matter how many time I listened I could not get my head round it. Its now my party piece. it sounds sooo Welsh. :smile:

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Diolch :smile:

I spent weeks thinking “ychidig” started with rh! I still hear an rh now even though I know there’s not one there.

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Not posted in a while but I’ve still been working my way through challenges. Challenge 15 completed this morning and the only thing I’m consistently blank on is “of yourself”. Even now with all the time to think of it I’m completely blank. Hopefully that’ll just come eventually as I got pretty much everything else right :slight_smile:

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I’m sure it will… :sunny:

My job involves changing placements every 6 months, and I’ve just found out that my next boss in my new placement in April speaks Cymraeg! And she’ll just be coming back from maternity leave, so all the stuff in Level 2 about children and working will come in very handy!


What a brilliant piece of serendipity! :-):+1:

I finished Level 2 Challenge 23 today, early awaiting the last two so I can finish it!

It took me about five attempts to get to the end of this one, due to a combination of having to stop and start when changing trams, then trying to finish and forgetting where I was up to so starting again, and generally just having a cold this week and starting but feel too ‘foggy’ to fight through it. I persevered though!

Once I do finish Level 2, what is the recommended course of action? Course 1? Or wait for Level 3? :smiley: :sunny:

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Interesting question. You’d fly through Course 1, but that might be kind of fun for you, and Course 2 would definitely give you some useful extra stuff - so maybe yeah, go for it - I’m hoping to start work on the structure for L3 in the next two to three weeks, so it won’t be all that long before we get some L3 stuff being published… :sunny:


Ah, Went through L2 C22 today to be told there are only three challenges left! but there is only one, the other two are yet to come! I’ve almost caught up with the course, how exciting! Though there is level 3 to do and I’ve yet to get around to Course 2 vocab!