I got completely lost in Challenge 13!

About 23 minutes in, I feel it went too far, too quickly. Before i’d had time to absorb the initial new words and phrases, I was hit with even more complex constructions. I suppose I am looking for kindred spirits who feel just as disheartened as I do right now. I suppose I’ll just have to keep repeating this one over and over…sigh!


Don’t fret about this one too much, you’ve hit a couple of notoriously fiendish challenges now and you are certainly not the only one to sigh at this point! (I’m sure there’ll be plenty of kindred spirits along soon to give you their experiences!).
By all means repeat it a couple of times, but don’t try and keep repeating ad nauseum until it all sticks (that will only discourage you), instead, take a deep breath and move on - as I said, there are a couple of these to get through but then things settle down again, and even stuff you think isn’t going in is actually going in - just the ‘processing’ takes a little longer for a while :wink:


@pjmeredith So many of us can identify with how you’re feeling. You’ve just hit a tricky 2 or 3 units. Do it, don’t despair and keep going. I promise you, in a unit or two, you will breathe a sigh of relief. Somehow, in the magic of this method, you’ll find you have processed more than you initially thought. You’re doing absolutely great to get that far.


@pjmeredith If you search for ‘challenge 13’ in the magnifying glass box top right, you will find a range of threads where people have discussed the difficulties with Challenges 13 and 14! Such as this one:


Thanks for all the encouraging words. Living in the US, it’s not so easy to watch Welsh tv or listen to Welsh on the radio. I feel that would help. Any tips there?

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You can watch a pretty large selection of TV programmes in Welsh, available anywhere in the world, on this website:
(you just have to sign up for free first)

And the radio here:
or on the app called BBC Sounds


There is also a large selection of podcasts in Welsh here


Diolch am bopeth!


I found this too but also with Challenge 14, I’m definitely not trying for perfection but wanted to get to 80% mark that is often referred to. I went back to 11 to recap, then 12 to build my confidence back up a bit and it seems to be working. I’m loving Welsh though and as an Englishman looking forward to using it in Pembrokeshire where my children’s Welsh speaking grandparents live! Hopefully they’ll give it a go too.

Great course though. Enjoying the brain workout!


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Hello @ gisella-albertini and thank you for the URLs. Unfortunately, when I try to play any of the videos on the S4C clic site, I get the message “Error: S4CP04”. Does anyone have an idea what this means? I am a registered use for the S4C site and live in Germany. Thanks for any help.

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S4CP04 means you have an ad blocker or extension on your browser. If it’s Firefox you need to turn off enhanced protection.

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Shwmae @siaronjames. Thanks a lot. That was a very speedy reply, thanks again.Roger

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I found this one also very tough. So much new stuff, so much toe absorb. It will,take me a while to get past this challenge. But: I must not be to critical for myself (I am) and just go on with all the “WHAT?’s”. I trust on the perspective that it wil be just a …

How often do you say: I met a young woman last night who wants me to tell you to do something.? To whom do you say this? Byddai i hoffen i mind gyda’r menyw ifanc gwnaud rhywbeth gyda hi (I hope was that good welsh!). But for learning purposes it is xxxx. Nevertheless: I’ll stick to te challenges to come. This reply was also a good challenge.

Well, it’s not really about using the specific sentences from the challenges. It’s more about learning how the language fits together and getting used to hearing some common phrases. “Young woman”, “do something”, “tell you to”, etc, are all common things to hear and say. You might never use that exact sentence, but that’s not what it’s there for. If you can assemble that sentence then you’ll be able assemble others of similar complexity.

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13 is infamously difficult, but the advances you’ll make in being able to use longer sentences will make it worth the hardship in my opinion.

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