'I want to be a Welsh speaker because...'

I want to be a Welsh speaker because I can! It’s something that I’ve wanted to do for some time and now is the right time to give it (another) go. I’m already miles ahead of where I was after 2 years of night school classes - although I am disappointed we haven’t sung the counting song about 10 yellow bananas :slight_smile:


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I live in a Welsh speaking community on Anglesey and it seems rude not to try. Also it should help keep the grey matter going and lastly my lovely, sweet, Welsh speaking mother in law said I could never speak Welsh as it was too difficult. I wish she was still here so we could speak Welsh together.


Snap Simon! I’m also hoping that I’ll be able to join in conversations in the village shop soon :joy::woman_facepalming:t3:


Mine’s a bit of a strange one: I want to be a Welsh speaker because of my former employers! Anytime they had anything they didn’t want me to hear, instead of going somewhere private they would simply talk in Welsh. I remain firm friends with these people and this still happens occasionally on nights out when I’m visiting Wales and I can’t wait to see their faces when I can finally join in with them! :laughing:
My more reasonable reason for wanting to be a Welsh speaker is to improve my job prospects - I’m hoping to be moving back to Wales in the next 2 or 3 years. :smiley:


We always talk about saving the environment, which is important, but in a lot of ways languages are one of the rich fruits of life on Earth. We have lots of apples and oranges but we are losing the rare and delicious ones like welsh. I wish there were more people learning minority language just because you can!


My daughter is in blwyddyn 1, and is practically fluent now so I have a lot of catching up to do!


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I live and work here now. This is my home, so I feel it is something I not only want to do but should do. When successful it will enable me to engage more fully with the Welsh culture and people.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because my nana Jean spoke it fluently. Sadly, she died a good many years ago, but I’ve found that learning the language has helped me feel closer to her and to our family history.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I want to fully embrace the Welsh way of life and culture, seeing as I chose to live in this beautiful part of the world.


I want to be a Welsh speaker so that I can speak Welsh with my wife and her family, who are all incredibly eloquent


‘I want to be a Welsh speaker because I can’t know the culture without understanding the language’ was what i thought. However, i really want to learn because i live in Wales and don’t like it when i join a group of Welsh speakers and they switch to English for my benefit (even though they say they don’t mind)


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I now live in Wales and feel it’s only right I make the effort to learn the language. It will make a change in that I will (hopefully) be able to converse with people I have met so far and in the future in their own language, instead of having to switch to English. I’m hoping to impress them, but we’ll see!!


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I’ve always wanted to become bilingual to be honest. I hope someday to be able to have a whole conversation in Welsh with my friend and her family (who are first language Welsh speakers).


it is the most gorgeous language. If feels like poetry rather than prose. So it makes me smile when I speak it.


I want to be a Welsh speaker because no one has yet given me sufficient reason why I shouldn’t. (“Yes, I do know everybody can actually speak English. So what? What else have you got?”)


I want to be a Welsh speaker because I’m a self-employed artist and hope to improve opportunities for participating in local community-based art projects. (I also want to be able to converse with my daughter, who learnt Welsh at school and is also participating in this course!)


Now I’m living in Wales I want to be able to understand the language. When I lived or worked abroad I managed to learn the language of the country I was living in. But Welsh is proving a lot more elusive - it might have something to do the increasing grey hairs (white actually!) and decreasing grey cells! I’m hoping SSiW will help by making me use my Welsh more outside of the classroom. Diolch yn fawr.


…because I live in a Welsh speaking area and work in the community both voluntarily and as a self employed voice worker. I want to be able to converse with people in their first language.


I want to be a welsh speaker because i want to right a wrong that i wasnt a welsh speaker from birth


I want to understand and speak the language my father loved and spoke. I don’t really know what will change but can see a door opening for me and I feel very excited about that.