Learn Welsh Cymru

I see that Learn Welsh Cymru has introduced “Siarad” a similar idea to our FfrinDiaith. This will provide ten hrs of conversational practice over the next few months. To begin with they are advertising for fluent speakers and learners. Not a new idea! (not forum)


Yes, I’d heard about this too - we had a certain amount of input after the new National Centre was formed that ffrinDiaith was one of the projects that there was interest in carrying on with - but that now appears to have changed.

It might not be a bad thing - we only did ffrinDiaith in partnership with the old 6 Centres because they asked us to when they heard that we were going to launch it, and we wanted to be friendly - but it didn’t work out very well, truth be told.

Now that we’re not tied into anything, we might be able to revisit the idea at some point, and see if we can put a bit more shine and effort into it… :slight_smile:

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