Learners in Germany?

Hey there!
I started learning a little while ago (had to take a break for work reasons and now all excited to get back, i am so in love with ssiw!!), so i was wandering: are there any learners from Germany here? Sometimes it would be great to discuss a topic not through trying to translate the problem into english. And when things one day go back to normal it would be fantastic to have a meet up!


Oh yes, there are a lot of learners from Germany here! Too many to tag, but here’s two of the more active-on-the-forum ones for you - @Hendrik @brigitte


There definitely are. Ble wyt ti’n byw yn Yr Almaen, te? I dimly remember that some (longish) time ago there was the idea of a meet-up in Germany. I don’t know what became of that idea, though. There is also a map somewhere on the forum (?) where you might find learnes in your vicinity.


Click on FAQ in the top bar, and there’s a tab ‘map’ to click to view the zoomable maps (and if you want to be added to it, here’s the place to ask : The 'Please add me to the SSiW map' thread 🗺 :slight_smile: )

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Just found it, thank you siaron!


Hahah took me a moment to not skipping the welsh part, simply dismissing it as: wont understand anyways hahah. I live in Nuremberg. Just checked the map, and yes, plenty of learners in Germany! Thanks for your help!

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Helo @hannah-deuchler :slight_smile:
I’m not on the map, but live in Germany, too.
If there’s ever going to be a meet-up in Germany, count me in!


Hello Hannah,
I live in Upper Bavaria, when times are normal again, it should be possible to meet. Good luck with the course and don’t hesitate to ask if you need help, in English or German.

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Thanks Brigitte!!

I’m an avid learner of German (at the moment), and I’ve learned Welsh to an academic level (not to brag), so would love to start a language exchange with some Germans interested in learning Welsh!


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Hey, last week the guys who did this websitecontacted me.
Now it’s still being tested, but I think it could be interesting, if it stays updated and helps people around the world with any kind of connection to Wales find the others!

If you want to have a look:


Hi Hannah!
Just read your post… I’ve really not been as active on the forum as I would like to be, but yup… another learner from Germany here! And I seem to have dragged my kids into it, too, during the lockdown… they are eagerly following Bedtime Welsh.

I live in Lower Saxony, though… so Nürnberg isn’t really what I would call “around the corner” :wink:


Not just round the corner is still close enough! :smile:
I think this thread might sometimes be useful for questions that might be easier to answer with a reference to German. Just now I had a thought about the use of bo fi/ bo ti and was like: hey that‘s just like in German. Dismissed it for now, cause I’m not really shure anymore hahaha

And bedtime Welsh really sounds great!

I lived in northern Germany for 10 years, und Ich habe eine Dolmetsche Prufung bestanden. I read FAZ or Die Welt on line every other day, retain many friends in Germany. I no longer love there but relish practising German as much as Welsh, but sometimes my German comes out as Kauderwelsch! Happy to communicate with you in either Sprache any time!

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Ok. So here is one where German might be useful. I’m only writing this in German now, because it won‘t be useful if you don‘t speak German anyways:

In the tiny questions Thread I asked about the difference between pan and pryd, this is a part of @siaronjames very useful answer:

The confusion is because they can both mean ‘when’. ‘pan’ is ‘when’ when it is being used as a conjunction, not a question.
‘pryd’ is used when there is a question - either straightforward or implied.

Jetzt hab ich gedacht, dann ist doch pan wie als? Als wir xy gemacht haben -> pan.
Und dann pryd für (implizite) Fragen.
Es ist vielleicht trotzdem ein bisschen holprig, aber das müsste doch eine ganz nützliche Stütze sein. Was meint ihr?

Grüße a diolch!

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Ja, das siehst du genau richtig.
Als ich ein Kind war - Pan o’n i’n blentyn
Wann kommst du? - Pryd wyt ti’n dod?

But please keep in mind that the official language of this forum is English, in order to be as inclusive as possible. But one possible way to accomodate for German-speaking people would be a sub-channel on our Welsh Speaking Practice Slack group, where we could chat in German about Welsh (or vice versa :wink:

Bis bald!


Hey Hendrik, thanks! That’s perfect!

And yes, creating a sub channel sounds like a great idea! I think it might really help sometimes to discuss things just like the pan/pryd question in German. Or maybe we don‘t actually have to have the whole conversation in German, just the few German words needed to the connection should be enough. Is anyone else interested in a German sub channel?

Just in case someone was wandering, this is what the German part says:

So I was thinking that pan is just like the German „als“?
When we were doing xy-> pan.
And pryd for (implicit) questions.

Might still not be perfect but should be somewhat useful as a rule of thumb. What do you think?

…all right. Next time I could as well just write my whole post in English, not more German needed than just the one word. Sorry you all, didn‘t mean to make it more complicated than necessary, but sometimes my brain doesn’t work that fast!

May I please join your German/Welsh Slack group??


Sure, if it would exist :wink:
Are you already a member of the Welsh Speaking Practice? If not, just send an email to admin@saysomethingin.com with “WSP” or “Welsh Speaking Practice” in the subject line to get invited to Slack.
And since there seems to be genuine interest in such a sub-channel, I’ll try and get it sorted out. I’m not sure if I can do that myself, so I’ll just tag @nia.llywelyn and @Deborah-SSi to get them involved. What do you think of the name #german-speakers?