Level 2 Challenge 15 South

Please could someone explain the following:

  1. What is the 'w in “y peth gorau i**'w** neud” (the best thing to do)?

  2. There’s a sentence “That is what you would like to do” which is “Dyna beth byddet ti’n hoffi gwneud” (07:47).

Why is it byddet ti and not hoffet ti? Are these interchangeable or is there a reason why it has to be byddet in this case?

  1. Why is taw used for that in the following sentence:

“Are you sure that’s the best thing?” “Wyt ti’n siŵr taw dyna’r peth gorau?” (10:46)

  1. Why is sy used in the following sentence:

“I can’t remember how to say what I need to say yet” is “Alla i ddim cofio sut i ddweud beth sy eisiau i fi ddweud eto” (13:27)

Thanks in advance! :grinning:

  1. the w takes the place of ei because we never put i and ei together. In Welsh the literal sentence is “the best thing for its doing”, but of course that sounds weird in English!

  2. Yes, you could use hoffet here, these can be interchangeable. Some people prefer to use the short form (hoffet) and some prefer the long form (byddet ti’n hoffi), so it’s just introducing you to both.

  3. taw is ‘that’ when it isn’t followed by a verb (the literal Welsh is "are you sure that that is the best thing)

  4. sy (rather than dwi) comes after beth here because the ‘what’ is the subject of the sentence.


Diolch yn fawr! That helps a lot :blush:

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