Life After Level 3?

I’m nowhere near it yet, but I was wondering is there SSIW life after level 3. What happens then?

Whatever you want :slight_smile: You can, for example, listen to transcribed and translated interviews provided by Beca Brown, which is accessible as “Advanced Content”. But at that point you should already be out and about chatting happily in Welsh, so there is literally no limit to what you can do, it just isn’t put into a structure provided by SSiW.
(Read books, watch TV, listen to radio, and try to speak as much as possible. Onwards and upwards!)


Thanks Hendrik.

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We’ve got some spare stuff that we’ll record and publish as a kind of L3+ few extra bits at some point, but it’s important not to get stuck on the ‘acquisition by lesson’ model - by the end of Level 3, bulk listening (a la Beca) is your gold dust, and talking/reading as much as possible is how you switch over parts of your life to being in Welsh… :slight_smile:

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