Lle medru fy ymarfer

Dw i ddim yn siwr lle i ymarfer sgwrsio yn gymraeg, yma?

Nes i wedi gorffen lefel tri canolradd, ond dw i wedi ddim rhywle i sgrwsio efo dysgwr fel fy?

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S’mae Martyn,

Just so that you know, we generally post here in English (or provide an English translation) so that learners of all levels can understand. There is a thread here for posting in Welsh though - Be' 'dach chi'n gwneud rwan? A phethau arall yn Gymraeg - A topic to practice Welsh, open to all!

If you want to chat vocally, have you joined the Welsh Speaking Practice group on Slack? You can have video and/or audio chats with individuals or groups of all abilities there. If you haven’t, just send an email to admin@saysomethingin.comfor an invite.

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Helo a chroeso.

Well, first of all let me kindly allert you that the main language here is English or the Welsh writing should be translated into English also in order for complete beginners to the language would feel welcome and not left out also. Short things in Cymraeg like this post is and some common expressions like “Diolch”, “Croeso” etc are permited.

Further on: The best area for practicing writing on this forum is the topic Be' 'dach chi'n gwneud rwan? A phethau arall yn Gymraeg - A topic to practice Welsh, open to all! where writings in only Cymraeg are allowed and welcome without translations.

The best area for practicing speaking is in our Slack community though about which you can find all the information in the topic Finding practice partners - a new resource - please share.

On this forum there also are quite some topics about finding parthers through the Skype (if you don’t use or don’t want to use Slack) although the Slack is the best idea at the moment.

To find the native Welsh speaker to practice with also the good resource is "Adopt a Learner" program over on useyourwelsh.com provided by @Nicky.

OH, and while I was in the process of replying and searching for the topics, @siaronjames did the work also, probably better than me.

Good luck in finding your best way to practice though.

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nope - I’m never as thorough as you Tatjana! :slight_smile:

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