[Sorry, have forgotten how to attach specifically to the SSiW Welsh Book Club thread, which doesn’t come up in the pulldown bit on the right - can someone remind me?]
My latest read has been ‘Llechi’ by Manon Steffan Ros. I really enjoyed this: a very unusual whodunit and a real page-turner. No problem with the language, which as usual with Manon is very clear, but I have the feeling I may have missed some subtle clues in the somewhat tricky narrative, because I still can’t decide how to interpret this. It’s not really possible to discuss the plot without giving away spoilers, but basically I would be quite interested to know if other readers think that the teenage narrator is a) completely reliable and telling it as it happened, b) more or less reliable but with some of his perceptions skewed or c) totally unreliable, though possibly unaware of his own motivations. My own view started as b) but now inclines to c)…
You can ‘bookmark’ the thread which will make it easier to find for you. Go to the bottom and to the left of the blue ‘reply’ button, you’ll see ‘bookmark’. Click this and it will add the thread to your bookmarks. Then next time you want to find it, click on your picture in the top bar and you’ll see the little ‘ribbon’ icon, just click that and it will show all the threads you’ve bookmarked. (very handy for any thread you’re likely to want to find quickly again!)
Here’s the link to the thread to save you searching!
Thank you, Siaron. But I’m still a bit confused: yes, that makes it easy to do replies but when I do ‘Create New Topic’ there is a pulldown box on the right for Category which shows me some categories, like ‘General Questions’ or ‘Lolfa SSiW Lounge’ but it doesn’t include ‘SSiW Welsh Book Club’, nor can you type directly into it. I must have known how to do it not long ago because I have posted specifically to that topic before, but it’s gone from me, which is a little worrying…
It won’t show because ‘SSiW Welsh Book Club’ is a thread, not a category (it’s a thread in the ‘Lolfa SSiW Lounge’). To add a new post to a thread, you first need to be in the thread. ‘Create new topic’ just starts a new thread.
To find a thread, you can either scroll down the thread titles until you find it (which can sometimes take a while!) or if you use the search (magnifying glass in the top bar) and put in, for example. “book club”, that will lead you to the thread you want to post in.