New blog post - when to repeat sessions in High Intensity

Ive decided 3 times. First time, it fries my brain. Second I get about half or more. Third time I feel ok with 90% & ready to move on. I have printed out the vocab & make up sentences when Im walking the dog etc. Im also boring anyone who will listen & my grandson has tested me. One benefit of being a lot older is that I dont give a monkeys about making mistakes or looking daft! I will just have a go & most people are very helpful.


That sounds as though you’ve found a pattern that works for you, and that’s the most important thing. If you’re getting 90%+ on the third run-through, you almost certainly don’t need to be doing more than 2 - but if that’s what makes you feel comfortable, that matters as well… :slight_smile:

I’m not sure how but just found this forum again having not been sure how to. Also on reading back through messages, I realise there’s an App which I have just downloaded. I’ve been using the email link to log on previously. In the last email you asked for comments on how it’s going for us to use in publicity. Where (as in which area) do we leave those Aran?

Anywhere will do, really! A new post in General/Questions is probably easiest, but we will read comments with great interest wherever they are :slight_smile:

Sut mae pawb, dwi wedi bod yn dysgu siarad Cymraeg am blynyddoedd. Pan wellais I SSIW o fi’n meddwl bydd e’n gwych I amarfer, ond dwi credu bod dwi wedi dysgu rhai pethau yn wahanol. Dwi defnyddio tia ond chi yn dweud biti e.g biti fis/ tia fis ac bron pan chi’n dweud newydd. Be sy’n cywir? Plis

Both tua and biti are correct Angela - biti is more common in the South, but otherwise it’s just a matter of personal preference.
Bron and newydd aren’t so interchangeable so I’m not sure which context you’ve found them being the same in - if you’d like to give me a sample sentence maybe I can throw some more light on it.

As you’re fairly new to the forum, I hope you don’t mind me saying that we generally use English as the language on here so that less advanced learners can follow threads too. By all means you can post in Welsh but please include an English translation if you do. :slight_smile:


Diolch Sharon, no problem I will use Saesneg in future. I was taught tua years ago I live in South Wales. Re Bron I can’t think of an eg just now. Possibly Dwi bron yn barod or dwi bron yn dysgu gymraeg ??

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Yes, I was taught tua too - I’d never come across biti until this course (I started learning in the South well before SSiW came along, but now live in the North). You can stick with tua, but at least now you’ll recognise biti if someone else uses it!

Bron is ‘almost’ whereas newydd is ‘newly’ (or ‘just’ in the sense of ‘newly’), so “bron yn barod” (almost ready) makes more sense than “newydd barod” (newly/just ready), and “dwi newydd dysgu Gymraeg” (I’m newly/just learning Welsh) makes more sense than “dwi bron yn dysgu Gymraeg” (I’m almost learning Welsh) - although I’m sure sometimes we feel “almost learning” is true! :wink:


Diolch that is clear now and makes sense. :smile:

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Hi Aran, this is the first Ive heard of the 6-month course. I had a week away with no data, so fownloaded some Challenges. While I have just received Challenge 3 on email Im sctually near the end of Chalkenge 4. How does the 6-month course work? I can spend a couple of hours a day on languages …

Could you type that in Saesneg too please?

I’m tagging @aran so this doesn’t get lost. :slightly_smiling_face:

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@christine-30 the 6-month version of the structured course just gives you everything twice as fast, i.e. 2 Challenges per week instead of 1, so you cover the same in 6 months as people usually cover in a year.

We haven’t found it very popular though, with people sometimes starting on it, then asking to swap to the 12-month version as they didn’t have the time to keep up. What some people do is just move ahead themselves in the Challenges, and every now and then email to ask for the emails to be reset to where they actually are. Then they read back through the emails they’ve skipped over and complete the additional tasks. That means you can move along a pace that suits you.

However, the 6-month version is still available if you really want to do it. You just need to email admin and ask us to set it up for you.

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