In level 1 13 this sentence in the notes says Oedd yr hen ddyn yn moyd dweud rhywbeth wrrtha i neithiwr The Old man wanted to tell me something last night.
In challenge 14
*Dwedodd y fenyw *ifanc yn yr dafarn neithiwr bod hi’n moyn siarad gyda ti The young woman in the pub last night said that she wants to speak with you
Cant get my head round why The old man is Oedd, but The young woman is Dwedodd?
Unless it makes sense I have trouble remembering which to use
I do have trouble distinguishing between the two but I can just about get what your saying so will carry on regardless.
Thanks both for quick reply @siaronjames@SteakAndEggs
This is another ‘on the button’ question - well done
This one tripped me up too.
Welsh is different to English in this respect.
There are a group of verbs which use the ‘was’ tense to create the past tense. You will get to know them very quickly but they tend to be verbs which imply a state of mind, for example…
Meddwl - to think
Gwybod- to know (something)
Nabod- to know (someone)
Eisiau or moyn- to want
Hoffi - to like
Gobeithio - to hope
Caru- to love
Casau- to hate
Swnio- to sound
A good rule of thumb for native/fluent English speakers is that the verbs that sound weird in the continuous present in English (**I am sounding, **I am hating, **I am loving, **I am wanting, **I am knowing instead of ‘I know’, ‘I want’, ‘I love’ etc.) are mostly the same ones that use ‘was’ in the past in Welsh. I think it’s not quite perfect, but it does make it easier to get a feel for it.
Yes that’s right - you can use the was form on any verb.
The slight difference between the two languages is that to say ‘I thought’ in Welsh (or any of the stative verbs above) you’d say ‘I was thinking’.
‘I was thinking’ = ‘I thought’
So it’s not that there is a restriction on the ‘was’ tense. It’s that you wouldn’t put a past tense ending on these types of verb or use a past tense verb before it to create ‘I did think/ I thought ‘ (in normal usage) because the ‘was’ tense covers that.
Quite tricky to describe in fact!..does that make any sense?
Hopefully helpful is another approach that works for me -
As with a first language, you can ease off on soaking in the grammar rules just for now and just copy speaking the way that things are said in the Challenges, or wherever you here them. That way you can get the feel of which words attract which constructions.