I was lucky enough to be asked to take some trees to St.Davids (Pembrokeshire) on Thursday (16th May) this week. As soon as I was close enough to Wales (travelling on the M4) I tuned in to RadioCymru (of course). So it was a lovely surprise to hear Aran and Catrin talking about the 10th Birthday Party at about 9:50ish. Driving a articulated lorry needs a certain level of concentration (!!) so I didn’t catch all of the interview, but it struck me how clearly and beautifully they both speak!! Your diction is so easy to listen to, Catrin and Aran and I could listen to you all day, every day!!
Did anyone else catch them?
Afterwards, yes…
Yes I heard them. As I’ve only just started with SSiW I didn’t understand much at all but I did recognise a couple of words! I do like listening to Radio Cymru because the music is beautiful. Why hasn’t the UK Eurovision entry ever been a Welsh language song? Perhaps we should start a petition!
Here’s the link … https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m000511s
The conversation starts at 1hr 16min.
But … there’s a beautiful song on before them starting at 1:11:40, Llygad Ebrill by Blodau Papur.
I find that rather worryingly cavalier…
Nah, that’s when you’re riding an articulated horse - which is actually a lot easier than riding a disarticulated horse, tbf.
Cavalier? There are no swords involved…. (
I’m maybe trying to say I can concentrate to a deeper level…but that may imply female levels of multi-tasking.
Or maybe I’m “well in touch with my female side”…
I did need rather more in the way of concentration as I got past Carmarthen - it gets a bit narrow when you get to the likes of Naw Ffynnon and Roch…. The radio was switched off…but the local traffic was very helpful
I love the mix of music they play! But I must admit to cheering when Meinir Gwilym or Elin Fflur are played…
Thanks for the names of these singers. Now I can look them up and play them on Spotify. Diolch en fawr.
There is a YouTube user called Distant Dreamer - their Vids have Welsh and English lyrics. Lots of Meinir’s songs are on their channel. Another of my favourites is Gwyneth Glyn…
Bendigedig!! You should start a music thread on this for all these good suggestions. Dw i’n mynd i gweld yn YouTube rwân!
Already done:-
Follow the link to (currently) 1103 posts of suggestions!!