Oxford SSiW - additional meetups?

So it’s Google Earth 2-Ordnance Survey 1 - I guess this counts as an away win for Google Earth if you’re doing the pools (sorry!).
But seriously, yes, the duck pond’s definitely another tempting feature to investigate.


Pushing an electronic version of ordnance map gives this.

Strangely the lower pond/lake is not coloured blue, (the mystery continues).

Cheers J.P.

Diolch, JP - od iawn!

I had the idea of Googling ‘duck pond’ and ‘Wytham Wood’ and came across this: Wytham Wood & Park field notes 1942-1965 - the duck pond mentioned in these seems to be a different one located in the park, but there are nearly 800 pages of these observations of all sorts of wildlife (including ffwng!) to browse through and enjoy, e.g. this from 1960:
While watching these wasps was bitten by a clegg ♀ H. pluvialis (Lab. det.). 24 hours later there was still a small red bump at the wound site. Took her before she had begun to feed, just after she had inserted mouth parts.
I dolike the way, instead of swatting it, he took pains to preserve and identify it! (just happened to end up on that page after a rapid scroll down - I haven’t gone through all 800 pages!)


I had never heard of a clegg. A horsefly apparently. ‘Pryf llwyd’.
Iolo says: Bydd yn dilyn pobl wrth iddynt gerdded trwy goedwigoedd gwlyb rhwng Mai a Medi. Pity he wasn’t around to warn your author.

I’ve a feeling he might have rather enjoyed having the opportunity to collect it!


For those interested, we’re planning the next Oxford group walk for Saturday 16th Jan. The route’s still to be decided, so any suggestions about where we might go are welcome. On the main Oxford group thread @ramblingjohn suggests:

if some new people may wish to come, or some don’t want to walk to far, maybe a search of Oxford parks would be fun, (or the museum if wet), or cafe’s, or any other suggestions

and there are a few other suggestions if you scroll back to the Nov 15 post, but there’ll be a plan B as well in case weather and/or flooding interevene.

I’m bumping this partly to say the forecast is starting to look ok for Saturdays meetup which looks like being Wytham woods (what will we see this time).
And to give time for anyone who would like to join us to ask questions about time place or whatever they may wish to ask.

Will we find the hidden duck pond, bydd 'na hwyaden adre ?

Cheers J.P.


I see Wytham Woods is closed Saturday.

I’m hoping to be in Oxford on Saturday, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to make any meet up.

When I open this it’s an old link so I hope we’ll be OK. I’ll keep an eye on their Twitter feed though.

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Oops! Yes just seen it’s 2014. I hope I’ll be able to get there then.

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Thanks @ramblingjohn for bumping tomorrow’s walk (Sat 16th Jan). Weather prospects look pretty good - lots of sun although cold (2-3C feeling like 0-1C). For anyone who might be interested we’re going to meet at 12:00 at the Wytham Wood parking area near the Botley Roundabout - see map:

By public transport there are buses along Botley Rd to Seacourt Park & Ride from the station or central Oxford, but you’ll need to walk from the P&R to the Wytham Wood parking area (See map)(with enough notice might be possible to arrange a lift)

By car, depending on which direction you come from, you might need to go a little way along the A34, take the Wytham village turn, then immediately left to double back along the lane (see map)

Hope to see you there. Hwyl, John

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Well, there we are another good welsh trip out which contained many different aspects. As usual words were lost and found and so the learning continues. We saw a fair selection of birds even a sparrow hawk (Gwalch glas) that was not stopping for a photo. We found the duck pond but no ducks as it was frozen over, though we did find a feather to show something had been there. And we saw plenty of fungus.

Ffwng cwrel - probably Ramaria stricta.

Byssomerulius corium - needed two images to show growth form under old branches and don’t have welsh or english name for it. But a really nice find.

Now a list for @pippapritchard
The large Ganoderma australe or applenatum (need microscope to tell the difference).
Ysgwydd y fedwen - Birch polypore.
Auricularia mesenterica - Tripe fungus (Treip yn cymraeg).
Hymenachaeta rubiginosa - Oak curtain crust (looks rusty under old oak lying on ground).
Hyphadontia sambuci - Elder white wash.
Xylaria polymorpha - dead mans fingers.
Tremella foliacea - Witches butter (sometimes seen as the name for Exidia glandulosa as well.

Cheers J.P.

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Diolch i bawb! Great afternoon rambling & rambling on yn y gymraeg & a Fungi Masterclass thrown in am ddim.
I’ve been looking at the details of the Japanese Kiln project in the woods that @johnwilliams_6 mentioned at oxfordanagama.org (sorry can’t make a link work).
It says they have collected 18tonnes of wood & need more to fire the kiln which may explain why the fungi rich log piles seen on previous expeditions had disappeared?
Other words from ddoe:
Beech = ffawydden
Bullfinch = coch y berllan
Flea = chwannen
More = chwaneg
Wolverine = bolgi
In the dictionaries I have it says a bolgi is a ‘glutton, gourmand or carouser’ I had to look up the latter in an English dictionary!
Google confirms the wolverine translation.
Tan y tro nesaf


Above, I hope, are details of the Oxford Welsh Male Voice Choir St David’s Day Concert on Saturday 27th February.
I’m hoping to get to it & it would be great to see others for an additional meetup & chance to sgwrs yn y gymraeg.

Diolch, Pippa - yes, the link worked perfectly and I certainly hope to get to the concert on 27th Feb
Hwyl, John

[quote=“pippapritchard, post:163, topic:1880”]
Great afternoon rambling & rambling on yn y gymraeg & a Fungi Masterclass thrown in am ddim.
[/quote] Dw i’n cytuno’n llwyr - diwrnod bendigedig a diolch i bawb!
And a few more words to add to the list:
mole = twrch daear
thatched roof = to gwellt
meadow = dôl
stream = nant
snowdrop = eirlys


A few more remembered words.

Coed pinwydd - pine trees.
Creaduriaid - Creatures.
Hwyaden - Duck.
Cigfran - Raven.
Collddail - Deciduous /lose leaves.
Bytholwyrdd - Evergreen.
Corgimwch - Prawn.
Cimwch - Lobster.
Pryf genwair/Mwydyn - Earth worm.
Brigau - Twigs.
Boncyff - Trunk (of tree).

Cheers J.P.

After last weekend’s crwydro a sgwrs yn yr haul, time to think about our next one. Sat 6th Feb seems to be the day that suits most people. There’s still much to explore in Wytham Wood, but it looks as if it might be ‘closed for maintenance’ that weekend, so the suggestion’s been made that we try Shotover Country Park this time - a former royal hunting forest with it’s own myths & legends and much wildlife, it should make a good substitute (and @ramblingjohn & @pippapritchard it also has it’s own mossing group!).


Grwp mwsogl tydy, byddyn ni’n mawnhau dw i’n credu.

I should be able to make this date or the week after.

Cheers J.P.

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