Helo pawb - sorry, a bit late with confirming this week’s meetups via Zoom 
- 10:30am Wednesday 22nd July
- 12:00 Friday 24th July
Get in touch if you should need login details 
Hwyl a chadw’n saff ,
Sorry again, this was a mistake - it was referring to a PM not this thread 
Great turnout this lunchtime and I’m relieved you could hear me! We were talking about Gareth Ffowc Roberts and his mathematical books in Welsh - he posts daily puzzles on Twitter in Welsh and English:
Diolch Owen - diddorol! @RichardBuck and pawb here’s the Gwales.com page on that new bookby Gareth Ffowc Roberts, Cyfri’n Cewri - Hanes Mawrion ein Mathemateg: http://www.gwales.com/bibliographic/?isbn=9781786835949&tsid=7&session_timeout=1
And @Betterlatethan this is Gwales.com’s page for the book Afalau Cymru: http://www.gwales.com/bibliographic/?isbn=9781845276805&tsid=10
And for everyone here’s the link to that Eisteddfod/Dysgu Cymru magazine for learners, Cylchgrawn Newydd Yr Haf: https://dysgucymraeg.cymru/newyddion/cylchgrawn/?mc_cid=896b758197&mc_eid=e76d626faa
Diolch, @johnwilliams_6. Diolch @owen-mcknight.
Has anyone else got fed up with “Happy Birthday”? I find that the verse of “Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau” is the right length for hand-washing, then the refrain can accompany rinsing and drying. It’s handy for learning the words.
Helo pawb - it’ll be the usual pattern for this week’s Zoom meetups:
- 10:30am Wednesday 29th July
- 12:00 Friday 31st July
Let me know if you should need login details or have any questions 
Hwyl a chadw’n iach ,
Helo pawb - for our first Zoom meetups in August it’ll be the usual days/times:
- 10:30am Wednesday 5th August
- 12:00 Friday 7th August
Get in touch if you need login details or have questions 
Hwyl a chadw’n saff ,
PS In case you might not have heard, plans are afoot
for a couple of socially distanced walks+sgyrsiau in August: https://forum.saysomethingin.com/t/oxford-walks/7540?u=johnwilliams_6
I’m not sure if you understood what I was inelegantly saying on Friday about Mr Go Compare, Wynne Evans. He was in the celebrity program Cariad@iaith in 2012 that I have been watching. https://www.s4c.cymru/clic/programme/504715320
He also did a few podcasts for Pigion for BBC Sounds https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07r2vrf which I enjoyed.
Just have to get his book from the Amdani Series next!
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Diolch, @johnwilliams_6, for telling me about the lecture on TB in cattle on the AmGen site. I found it very interesting, though I can’t pretend to have understood every word. The pictures helped.
Today’s lunchtime story was by Bethan Gwanas.
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Croeso, Sue!
I’m definitely going to be listening to Bethan Gwanas’ story 
Helo pawb - this week’s Zoom meetups will as usual be on Wed and Fri:
- 10:30am Wednesday 12th August - (Diwrnod Anne Griffiths - 115 years since her death following childbirth age 29 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ann_Griffiths)
- 12:00 Friday 14th August (535 years since Henry Tudor crossed into England from Wales on his way to the Battle of Bosworth)
Let me know if you should need login details or have any questions
Hwyl a chadw’n iach
PS Depending in the weather some of us, Owen, Chris, Clive and me, won’t be able to make it on Wednesday as we’re planning on heading to Port Meadow for the first of this month’s walk+sgwrs: https://forum.saysomethingin.com/t/oxford-walks/7540/385
I can be on Zoom on Wednesday. @bethan-williams-1? Anyone else?
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I have a plumber coming to house . Unfortunately there is low cold water pressure and now only a trickle from taps upstairs.
Coming at 9.00 am on Wednesday. If this is sorted hopefully I can join you on zwm, I may be late. Any problem I will put message on forum. Bethan
I hope he can sort it out - not good!
Thanks! I expect it will be ok ! He will be wearing mask and gloves!
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Helo pawb,
I am trying to track down two books from the Stori Sydyn series. “Inc” and “Y Stelicwr” by Manon Steffan Ros. I know that I lent them to somebody quite a while ago, but I can’t remember who it was.
It was me! I’m afraid I’ve been very slow with my Welsh reading. I’ve read “Y Stelciwr” but not “Inc” yet. I’ve also got your copy of “Y Gosb” by Geraint Evans.
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I’ll bring them to Radley when we meet up for the walk.
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Hi @chris-roberts
If you would like to hang on to “Inc” and “Y Gosg” until you get a chance to read them then that’s fine. I just wanted to find out what I had done with them. Or would you like to swap them for “Stryd y Bont”? It’s a nice easy read to get the confidence up and a fun story.
Thanks Sue - maybe I’ll give “Stryd Y Bont” a go.
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I will be on zwm tomorrow at 10.30. plumber is now coming on Thursday. Bethan