Pa fordd ar ol lefel tri. Beth fydd nesaf?

Nawr te - Dwi newydd gorffen Lefel Tri. Hwre!


Ond dwi’n teimlo’n eitha ansicr am be sy’n digwydd ar ar ol lefel tri. Beth fydd yn dod nesaf? Efallai mynd yn ol trwy’r lefelau 1,2 3 (yn fwy gyflym a fwy cywir :sweat_smile:)? Neu rhywbeth arall? Hoffwn i defnyddio be dwi’di dysgu.

Darllenais i am ddosbarthiadau uwch ar y forwm. Sut mae nhw’n gweithio?

Rhi x

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Well done Rhiannon, llongyfarchiadau! :tada:

There is the Advanced Listening section you could do - with those, you listen; read transcript; listen again; read translation; listen again. There is a mix of interviews in both North and South, so some will be more challenging than others!

Other options (that some have already done - hopefully they’ll pop in here and give more detail) include:
Doing the ‘old course’ right through
Doing the same course as you’ve done right through but in the other dialect (North if you’ve done South and vice versa)

And of course the best thing of all to do is to keep listening to/watching/reading and - most importantly, speaking your Welsh at every possible opportunity!

(I’ve replied in English because we keep English as the forum language so that brand new learners aren’t overwhelmed by lots of Welsh they haven’t learned yet :wink: )


Diolch Siaron. And thanks for the super speedy response.

Ooh a few options then. I like to practice some Welsh whilst I’m doing the washing up and I’m missing my SSiW lessons - might download the old course or Northern version to my Ipod.

Not long started recording bits in soundcloud for a bit of speaking practice. I live in Bedfordshire online/virtual chats are my best option for speaking with someone in Welsh. My 10 year daughter is doing the Lockdown Bedtime Welsh course so we’re able to speak to each other a bit now which is great.

Diolch eto,
Rhi x


Well at the moment, online/virtual chats are the best option for a lot of people!
Are you in our Welsh Speaking Practice (WSP) group on Slack? There are loads of group chats to join in with, or you can arrange one-to-ones if the times aren’t convenient. If you’re not in the group and would like to be, just send an email to for an invite :slight_smile:


Great stuff! The only slack group I’m on is for the Bedtime Welsh. Will send the email straight away! Welsh Speaking Practice group sounds lot o hwyl! Hel clecs ar lein?


Hi @rhiannon-meades! I agree with @siaronjames recommendations and can also add a few things…
If you search the Forum for “after Level 3” you’ll find lots of other interesting threads about this topic.
Reading books (something I’m really enjoying at the moment)
And, if you fancy a course then Dysgu Cymraeg have a range of courses on offer. I’m doing a Summer School with them this week. Its on Zoom Mon-Fri 9am-1pm (with breaks!) and I’m really enjoying it. Its really good fun, we’ve done loads of chatting :slight_smile: and I’ve learned some new things too. :slight_smile: And its only £10 for the week! :slight_smile:


Hi Cetra, how did you enrol on that. Do you think that the same thing that i was looking at with Coleg Gwent. I’ve failed completely to work out how to join these and the SSiW calls are always when I’m working or eating

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@Cetra which books do you recommend? I read a beginner’s one last week which was the earliest level on a graded scheme called Am ddiwrnod, and i could read it fairly easily! (I’m halfway through level 3). Isn’t ssiw amazing! Never thought id be thinking about reading books in Welsh after such a short time!


S’mae @gareth-mitchell! :slight_smile: Here’s a link to the course search page: Once you’ve found your course you can enrol and pay online. I just searched for the “Uwch” level and picked the dates that suited me best (our ex-bwtcamp week!). Some courses are five days, some less, and even some more. The location doesn’t really matter as its all online and there’s likely to be a mix of Gogs and Hwntus anway :slight_smile: If you’re struggling to find chats with SSIW at good times, don’t forget about Welsh Speaking Practice - there’s lots of things happening on there and opportunities to chat! :slight_smile:


Diolch Cetra. x

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Thanks @Cetra.
I do have two “regular” speaking partners but I’m a bit rubbish at being organised. Next gap I have I’ll look at the link thanks.

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S’mae @emma-ireland! These are the books in the scheme your book was in: I think anything below Canolradd will be too simple for you now, but you might try the Canolradd and Uwch ones. I’m a big fan of Bethan Gwanas. Her “Blodwyn Jones” trilogy is a good place to start. She has some great books for teenagers too like “Pen Dafad”, and the “Y Melanai” trilogy. I’ve just finished the first one, “Efa” and its a massive cliff-hanger, so I was relieved when the next two books arrived in the post today! Whew! :slight_smile: She has some great books in the Stori Sydyn series too: I’ve enjoyed “Os Mêts” and “Bryn Y Crogwr”. I’ve also enjoyed “Sgŵp!” by Lois Arnold and some of her other books: “Ffenestri” and “Cysgod Yn Y Coed”. After I finish the Melanai trilogy I’ve got some Manon Steffan Ros books (also from the Stori Sydyn series) and “Llyfr Glas Nebo” lined up. Then some books by Gareth F Williams " O Ddawns i Ddawns" and the “Dyfi Junction” books, and I’m also really looking forward to “Un Noson Ola Leuad” by Caradog Pritchard :slight_smile: Hope that helps


Ah brilliant thanks @Cetra! You’ve given me loads to go at there. I will have a look now at these. One more question- I’d love to give someone other than Amazon my money- any recommendations for book sellers? Xx

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S’mae @emma-ireland! Great! - I also prefer to use “proper” bookshops and not Amazon! :slight_smile: Here’s a really handy list I found recently: I’ve had quite a few from Y Lolfa ( recently too as its free postage over £10 and also donate to a local bookshop in Wales of your choice if you purchase from them. Happy shopping! :slight_smile:


Agreed, @Cetra. I have had excellent service from both Y Lolfa and gwales. Enjoy your reading, @emma-ireland.
There is a whole long thread of book recommendations.



That’s a helpful list - Thanks. I’m at a similar level.


Brill, thank you!

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Waw, llongyfarchiadau MAWR Rhiannon!

Dwi’n edrych ymlaen at glywed beth byddi di’n meddwl am straeon a chyfweliadau @beca-brown :star: :star2:


Helo Rhiannon! Gobeithio wir y byddi di’n mwynhau y Cynnwys Uwch! Os ti’n chwilio ‘Advanced Content’ mae yna ‘thread’ yn trafod y cynnwys yn gyffredinol, a wedyn ‘threads’ unigol i bob eitem.
Unrhyw gwestiwn - croeso i ti holi!

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Diolch Beca :smiley:

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