2016 Recitation

Recitation of a set poem “Glas” by Bryan Martin Davies

You can find the words to the poem here http://tinyurl.com/SSiW-Glas-17 and hear a recitation of the poem by
clicking on the ‘Video’ link.

A different recitation of the same poem can be found at http://tinyurl.com/SSiW-Glas-2

Aderyn Bach


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  • Aderyn Bach
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Unfortunately, this link can’t be found. I believe it should be http://tinyurl.com/SSiW-Glas-1 (however, the video link does not then work outside the UK).

It works for me and I’m living outside UK.

It doesn’t work for me in the US.

It might be because it’s a BBC website. I’ve googled and found another that shows the words. See if this one works for everyone http://revise.purplemagpie.com/welsh_lit/glas/

Diolch, Dee. I can see the words on the BBC website, it’s just the video that says “outside your region”.

I don’t know how where’s problem here. This link @dafyddyfelin posted is from YouTube and not BBC website and it works just fine. This is great alternative to BBC site. BBC shows words to me also but recitation video on second link is just as good. To be honest, I find it quite identical to the recitation presented in the competition here what says the contestant recite poem really excellently.

Sorry…when I clicked on the link it said "Unavailable (For recit<ation)