Recommending SSiW - Link to course


I recently recommended SSiW to a friend. They got back to me and said they couldn’t find much out about the course, and the main SSiW homepage offered them was a sign up form to ‘Learn one sentence in Welsh’. They were looking for details of a course, and how it worked, they didn’t want to just learn one sentence. I think If they had signed up for one sentence, then they would have been able to see more and find out more - but I wasn’t sure.

I checked online without signing in, and I couldn’t see a link to the full course. I feel like I might be out of date on the current SSiW offering.

Can anyone help? Is there a general information page I should point people towards? Is there a link to the course descriptions I can give out?

Diolch! :slight_smile:

HI @warrendavies - this is a link to the main page that shows the different options available:

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Many thanks for your help! :slight_smile: There is more information about what the course entails and costs etc on that page.

I will share the link with my friend.

Is that somewhere they should have got to from their Google search? Is that now the official ‘landing page’ do you know?

The whole “finding us” procedure is under review at the moment to make sure it’s consistent and relatively easy, so I’m not sure if that will stay as the initial landing page, but it’s currently the one with the most information.

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Thank you again.

Yes, it does have some good information on - hopefully my friend signs up!

Great to hear it’s under review, as this is not the first person I’ve directed to SSiW who has come back to me a bit confused. Happy to help with providing feedback if this helps :slight_smile:

Helo Warren, diolch am postio hwn. Someone recently asked the same thing to me - and I also found the landing page quite mysterious initially so thanks @Deborah-SSi for the link