Sesiynau Siarad Menter Casnewydd

Siwmae Bawb!

Dyma neges gyflym yn hysbysebu ein 3 gweithgaredd sgwrsio anffurfiol rydym ni’n cynnig i siaradwyr Cymraeg o bob lefel.

Hyder Cymraeg: Dewch am sgwrs anffurfiol i ymarfer siarad Cymraeg. Grwp i ddysgwyr lefelau canolradd, uwch a hyfrededd.

Cychwyn… ar y Gymraeg: Grwp sgwrsio a ymarfer i bobl sydd newydd ddechrau dysgu Cymraeg.

Sgwrs Sadwrn: Sesiwn dysgu anffurfiol a grŵp sgwrsio cymdeithasol. Cyfle i sgwrsio gyda dysgwyr lefelau uwch, hyfrededd a siaradwyr rhugl.

Am fwy o fanylion ewch i’n gwefan:

Diolch am hynny! Thanks for that!

I’ve put a link to this message in our Menter Iaith thread in the Meetups/Events section for you :slight_smile:

As many of our learners aren’t at the stage of reading Welsh yet, it’s best if you can post bilingually.

A quick summary for those who may be interested:

Hyder Cymraeg an informal conversation practice session - for learners from ‘Canolradd’ level, so Level 2 SSiW and above, or even confident Level 1 learners could go along to that.

Cychwyn … ar y Gymraeg an informal chat group for new Welsh learners - so anyone in Level 1!

Sgwrs Sadwrn an informal learning and social chat group for more advanced learners / new Welsh speakers. This sounds ideal for those who’ve completed Level 2.