Tech question: uploading sound files

Evening :smile:

Is there a way to upload sound files? Just voice?

Many thanks in advance (even if the answer is no :wink:)

I just checked and the choices from your device appear to be limited to image files or pdfs, but I guess you can link to any file which you have shared on your Google Drive/Dropbox/or other cloud storage.

I’ve certainly seen embedded sound files on the forum so there may be a simpler answer.


You’ve aroused my curiosity so I tried and failed to upload my test mp3 from my device (only image files or pdfs allowed)
This is a link to the test file on my Google Drive which should do the job. (You have to share your file appropriately, of course) Huw’s test.mp3

To insert a link, click on the chainlink icon at the head of the editor, then insert the url and (optionally) a title in the box underneath.


One was uploaded on this post, if this was what you were thinking of?


Thank you Gentlemen! Thanks for trying everything out @hewrop

I’ll get it into Google. Is the suspense building? (It really shouldn’t be, it won’t be exciting :laughing:)


Strongly recommend

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Yes. Soundcloud. The forum software automatically embeds (rather than links) Soundcloud files, which makes them much more friendly to forum users.


Thanks Rob, I was sure I’d seen embedded sound files


I’m having sleepless nights, embedding! first trying to find the soundcloud file I just created in AudioCopy and shared with soundcloud, then trying to find where on the forum the advice about that is from Iain I think - and I have searched him, then once all that’s sorted how to embed my answer to a simple question from Gareth in a reply to him. It must be my age!

I’ve just had to remind myself of the method for exactly the same reason. So this is the method that I used.

Record your message onto your computer or phone voice recorder. Edit if you want by deleting and trying again. Save it with a distinctive name, so you can find it again, see below -

Then download Soundcloud unless you already have it.

Then go into Soundcloud and upload the voicerecorder file that you made, above. (on my computer, it saves itself to “Documents”). Look out for the distinctive name. Remember to press “SAVE”. The same name plus the file path will then highlight in blue. You can copy this blue section and then paste it onto a topic in the SSiW forum speaking practice. In our case: as a reply to Gareth’s question.

I hope that this helps.

It was fun reminding myself how to do it :slight_smile:

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