Done it!
A huge well done to all of you! You are now PINK!!!
I meant to answer with a beaming face:grinning:
Oh, thank you. Now I need to get to a computer to master sound cloud, having discovered I cant use it on my phone. Then be brave!!!
There is a step-by-step guide for iPhone and iPad on the post below:
[Tiny questions with quick answers - continuing thread]
There is also a step by step guide for a PC BUT I understand there is going to be a new SSIW recording solution very soon - it is being tested right now. So you could wait for that.
Thank you, that’s a really useful link. I didnt know I had a voice memo! I will give it a try but it is quite possible by the time I figure it out the new system will be in place:)
Done it!
5 minute test done , earlier in week it took 7 mins at least and didn’t think I’d get it . Done it twice today to make sure both under 4 min !! Probably help if I said the same sentences every time but think I have changed half of them most days, maybe not the longest sentences but it’s getting better and a lot more than I could say 6 weeks ago !
Done it!
Done it!
Done it!
Done it!
Done it.
Many congratulations to you all! You have gained your pink badges!
Done it!