The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** šŸ’® (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Done it! :grin:

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Done it

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Done it :slight_smile:
Can anyone recommend a north wales welsh dictionary???

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5 minute test done.Diolch.

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Done! :partying_face:

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*Done it the 5 minute test

I think Iā€™ve done the 5 minutes, I recorded it and sent it to SoundCloud but I canā€™t find it here :confused:

Done itā€¦ and saying a few sentences in local shops!!!

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Itā€™s in the right place @polly-pearshouse :slight_smile: Iā€™ve found it there and youā€™ve got your red badge :star2:

Brilliant! Thatā€™s the way to do it. Dive in right from the beginning! The more local people get to know you as ā€œthat person whoā€™s learning Welsh and keen to practiseā€, the more opportunities youā€™ll get :slight_smile:

Done it!

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Done :slight_smile:

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Done it! - And feeling very proud of myself for being able to.

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And you should be very proud too @lizzy-1 :heart:

Anghofiais ddweud, dw I wedi ei wneud.
That feels good, and a big Diolch yn Fawr to everyone involved with SSiW itā€™s a great way to learn and by far the best I have found.
I canā€™t seem to get soundcloud on my phone, it wonā€™t accept it. I have it on my cyfrifiadur rwan but Iā€™m not sure if I can record onto it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Done it! (I recommend speaking in Welsh to your 5 month old baby - she thinks I am saying something very profound indeedā€¦)


Yes I did the sentences in 2 mins today

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Done it!

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Yipee. I have joined the five minute gang!

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A big welcome to all the new pink badgers :cherry_blossom::white_flower::tulip: