The '5 Minutes' Test - week 6 **Going PINK** 💮 (Badges Awarded Mondays)

Done. :muscle:

Dw i wedi gwneud e. (?)

A huge congratulations to all 40 of you for your amazing efforts! You all now have PINK badges - well done! :smiley:



I haven’t yet received my email for Challenge 7 and it’s Tuesday! The same goes for my wife. Is there something we haven’t done that we should have done? Chris and Viv Gray.

Sorry to hear this Chris! It’s likely that you haven’t done anything wrong at all and that this is just a technical glitch of some sorts. Could I ask you kindly to email your query/problem to and someone from the right department will set you straight asap. Thanks for your patience and good luck with the next challenges when you get them. :slight_smile:


Dw i‘n meddwl bo’fi wedi gwneud hi nawr - I hope that is correct!

Done it!

Da iawn!

Done it!

Hi I have completed the 5 minute task! Diolch, Sue

Done it! :blush:

I have said them on Sound cloud and put a copied the link into the speaking practice, red, I don’t know if it has worked.

Done it!!

Done it!!!

done…can go to bed happy. Nos da

Done it.

Done it!

Done it! :+1:

